Simplified Chinese Typo/Display Text Errors


Here are some suggestions for Chinese Simplified!
离地而居→自给自足 Instead"依地而居"(It fits the meaning and is similar to the original translation.)
门卫→保镖 Changed to the old translation.
杏子树苗/桃子树苗→杏树苗/桃树苗 Changed to the old translation.(The same number of characters has more rhythmic beauty in Chinese.)
谜之盒→盲盒/金色谜之盒→金色盲盒/谜之书→盲盒的奥秘 /谜之上衣→盲盒上衣 Changed to the old translation(The old translation is more mystery!)
山岭→山上 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
腌鱼籽→腌鱼子/鱼籽→鱼子 Changed to the old translation.(It don't make sense.)
果汁→蔬菜汁 Maybe it's not a good enough, maybe "果蔬汁”?This word covers both fruits and vegetables.
伐木秘事→阿木的秘密 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
珍稀诱钩→珍稀路亚 Changed to the old translation.(If the player is not a fishing enthusiast, they don't know what "路亚" means.)
虫子杀手→杀虫 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
草中窜→草上飞 Changed to the old translation.(The old translation is more elegance.)
珍奇乌鸦→稀有稻草人 Changed to"珍奇稻草人"or changer to the old translation .(Think of "珍奇乌鸦" as a brand of scarecrows)
石箱→石制箱子 Changed to the old translation.
橡木梳妆台→橡木抽屉柜/胡桃木梳妆台→胡桃木抽屉柜/桦木梳妆台→桦木抽屉柜/红木梳妆台→红木抽屉柜 Changed to the old translation.
玫瑰仙子→仙女玫瑰 /玫瑰仙子种子→仙女玫瑰种子 Changed to the old translation.(COME ON!Is't inmeaningful! The old translation haven't mistake and players are get used to it.)
羊奶→山羊奶/大瓶羊奶→大瓶山羊奶 (To be honest, I think it's okay to change this back to the original translation.)
Although it is realistic, veteran players are used to parsnip, and as the first crop, it has its own iconic role, so it is recommended to change the comment to "What? The real name of this tuber crop is Parsnip?(什么?这种块茎作物真正的名字叫欧防风?)"
老师傅香炸奶酪卷→老坎诺利大师 Changed to the old translation.(What is the significance of this change?! We don't know who Mater Cannoli is! "老师傅"shows what it meant to be.)
unification Sebby as塞巴斯 Inmeaningful,"塞巴" can show Robin's affectionate name for his son.
大型背包 → 大背包/豪华背包 → 高级背包 Changed to the old translation,inmeaningful.
My English is not good, I hope you can understand what I mean and take my advice!
别的不提,老师傅香炸奶酪卷→老坎诺利大师是没问题的,原先的翻译更加意义不明。原文Old Master Cannoli,游戏里的意思是石像是个叫坎诺利的大师。cannoli是一种意大利甜品(也就是原翻译的香炸奶酪卷),在这里做人名和宝石甜莓呼应,人物雕像底下标注人物名也更符合常理,原翻译容易误导玩家以为需要在游戏里找叫香炸奶酪卷的物品。


The new translation has caused a lot of controversy in the Chinese community.
but the Chinese translation team refused to communicate with players at Chinese forum.
please post the Chinese team contact way.
as a Chinese,i should speak English for the Chinese funny?



I strongly disagreed with the new Chinese translation of "godfather". Almost all previous Chinese tranlation of "godfather" is "教父". The Chinese word "教父" has a strong religious background. In English culture, godparent is someone who bears witness to a child's baptism (christening) and later is willing to help in their catechesis, as well as their lifelong spiritual formation. (I am not religious so sorry I copied from English wiki)
The current translation of "godfather" is "义父". In Chinese, the origin of the word "义父" does NOT have any religious background. And commonly in daily life it is NOT considered religious at all. It literally means "adoptive father"!! The relationship underlying 义父 in Chinese is NOT certainly lifelong and it does not have the same responsibilities as godfather(like help in godson/goddaughter's catechesis) . In Chinese, “义父” may contain "教父". It is too vague for the word godfather.
I think the current Chinese translation of "godfather" does not respect religious culture in SDV and all religious players speaking Chinese.

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I am a player with some knowledge of botany, my English is not good, so I will not say much more. Here are some suggestions about the recent translation, divided into four parts, where the third part is for discussion only and does not imply that I think these translations should be changed immediately.

1. spring onion 现翻译:带叶洋葱(旧翻译:大葱)→ 建议翻译:青葱
带叶洋葱并非我国常见的蔬菜种类,在中国农业科学院作物科学研究所的种质资源信息中,我国洋葱的20个品种中也不包括带叶洋葱。尽管在星露谷日文本中,也将spring onion翻译为葉タマネギ,即带叶洋葱,或许可作为一定参考,但综合便于理解和严谨性两方面考虑,还是建议笼统翻译为青葱。

2. Livin' Off The Land 现翻译:自给自足(旧翻译:离地而居)→ 建议翻译:依地而居

3. Parsnip 现翻译:欧防风(旧翻译:防风草)→ 建议翻译:防风萝卜、防风草、欧防风
这是一个比较麻烦的情况。实际上,星露谷维基的名称修改对照表中所说“‘防风草’是一种中药”亦不正确:涉及“防风”名字的中药有两种,与欧防风较为相似的中药为伞形科植物防风(Saposhnikovia divaricata),药用部位为根(RADIX SAPOSHNIKOVIAE,中国药典一部),不存在被称为防风草的情况;另一种唇形科植物广防风(Epimeredi indicus),药用部位为全草,但与食用根部的欧防风区别较大。

4. Stonefish 现翻译:石头鱼(旧翻译:石鱼)→ 建议翻译:石鱼、石头鱼

5. Bug Killer 现翻译:杀虫(旧翻译:虫子杀手)→ 建议翻译:虫子杀手

6. Glazed Yams 现翻译:拔丝红薯(旧翻译:琉璃山药)→ 建议翻译:琉璃红薯
关于Yams的翻译,如果确定物种是红薯(美式英语这方面我不了解),参考我国粮食行业标准LS/T3104—1985《甘薯(地瓜、红薯、白薯、苕、红苕、番薯)》,如果追求最标准称呼,称为“甘薯”似乎最为准确。然而,红薯(Ipomoea batatas)在《中国植物志》中称为番薯,甘薯、红薯等为别名,甘薯(Dioscorea esculenta)则存在误认为薯蓣科同名植物的可能。总之,似乎甘薯、番薯也都不是很好的叫法。

1. Warp Totem: Mountains 现翻译:传送图腾:山上(旧翻译:传送图腾:山岭)→ 建议翻译:传送图腾:山岭

2. Preserves Jar 现翻译:腌制罐头(旧翻译:罐头瓶)→ 建议翻译:罐头瓶

3. Ol' Slitherlegs 现翻译:草上飞(旧翻译:草中窜)→ 建议翻译:草中窜

4. Golden Walnut 现翻译:金核桃(旧翻译:金色核桃)→ 建议翻译:金色核桃

5.Mystery Box 现翻译:盲盒(旧翻译:谜之盒)→ 建议翻译:谜之盒
尽管都具有不可预测内容这一特点,但盲盒在现在的语境中通常带有很强的商业色彩,而游戏中的Mystery Box大部分情况下不是购买获得的,这一点让两者有了一定的感官区别。



1. Artichoke Dip 现翻译:水煮洋蓟
材料是牛奶和洋蓟,dip的意思是蘸、浸渍,没有煮的意思。→ “凉拌洋蓟”似乎更加符合原意,但不建议贸然改动。

2. Stir Fry 现翻译:蔬菜什锦盖饭
材料是羽衣甘蓝、蘑菇、山洞胡萝卜和油,并没有哪里体现是盖饭。→ “炒杂菜”似乎更加符合原意,但不建议贸然改动。

3. Crab Cakes 现翻译:蟹黄糕
菜谱的中文翻译中使用的是“蟹肉”,而蟹黄在中文通常与蟹肉不同。→ “蟹糕”似乎更加符合原意,但不建议贸然改动,而且蟹糕听着也没有蟹黄糕好吃。

4. Shrimp Cocktail 现翻译:虾鸡尾酒
这道菜是使用鸡尾酒酱搭配的虾,而非使用了虾的鸡尾酒饮料,现翻译可能因此误会。→ “鸡尾酒虾”似乎更加符合原意。

5. Roots Platter 现翻译:块茎拼盘
材料是山洞胡萝卜和冬根,前者是根(radix),后者是根茎(rhizoma)。→ “根茎拼盘”似乎更加符合原意,但不建议贸然改动。

参考西红柿被统一为番茄,薯饼→ 土豆饼,乳酪花椰菜→ 奶酪花椰菜,卷心菜沙拉→ 紫甘蓝沙拉,爆炒青椒→ 爆炒椒类等,是否也需要这样被统一或修正?个人建议不必在已有非错误翻译的情况下追求所有词语的统一,实际生活中,同物异名的现象本身很常见。

关于yam比较无解,这个词本身的定义同时包含了中文意义上的山药和番薯(地瓜,红薯)(the starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea, cultivated for food in warm regions.)
游戏里看着比较像中文里说的番薯(地瓜,红薯)。NA这边的西人超市我见到的yam大部分是红薯,华人超市里售卖的山药会写是Chinese yam(铁棍山药或者淮山)或者Japanese yam(长芋)番薯既有写yam又有写sweet potato的


The word "yam" is defined as "the starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea, cultivated for food in warm regions". It includes both "山药" and "红薯". Additional information for non-Chinese speaker, they look totally different. "山药" looks like a stick. It is brownish white and has no specific taste. "红薯" is oval-shaped. It is brownish red and it tastes sweet(basically what you think what yam is)
In game, it looks like "红薯"(oval-shaped. It is brownish red).
For the new version of Chinese translation, some of "山药" was changed to "红薯". I am neutral on this topic. In real life, when Asian supermarket want to distinguish those, they will specify product origin(like Chinese yam, Japanese yam, etc) for "山药". And for "红薯", they will put either "yam" or "sweet potato".

Magically Clueless

Staff member
The new translation has caused a lot of controversy in the Chinese community.
but the Chinese translation team refused to communicate with players at Chinese forum.
please post the Chinese team contact way.
as a Chinese,i should speak English for the Chinese funny?
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that it's OK to speak Chinese in this topic. I understand that you've been sent here to give feedback, and I know this isn't the ideal thing for you and other players in the community. We're taking all of this very seriously and please continue to give your thoughts. English does help, but if you are much more comfortable in speaking Chinese only then please do so.

There's been a lot of miscommunication and we're looking into it. I can't give a solid answer about anything right now because everything is in progress, but we are listening. Thank you and I'm sorry that the changes have been upsetting and that you haven't been able to give feedback in other forums.

edit: Just wanted to say too that both me and liquidcat are not involved with the translation, we're doing our best to help communicate with what we know so we can't give a lot of information but we will definitely keep you updated and we hope this is temporary (so you will be able to better give feedback in the Chinese community)
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Hello Everyone! Thank you all for your patience and your feedback, translation will be rolled back to 1.6.3 version.
Hello, thanks a lot for posting the update.
Due to lack of communication channel with the translation team, can you please also help with following-up on the font change of Chinese translation in 1.6.4?
Over the years of gaming, many of the users are used to the iconic, pixel-style font that Stardew Valley has for all translation options.
This new Chinese translation team changed the font to something that doesn't even align with Stardew Valley's traditional style.
The new font is quite UGLY. I know there are mods for changing that, but us players shouldn't be the ones taking the effort to adapt to something we don't like, something decided solely by the arrogant and irresponsible translation team.

We want the font to be rolled back to 1.6.3 version as well, please kindly help.
Please don't let this arrogant team ruined years of memories with Stardew Valley.


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that it's OK to speak Chinese in this topic. I understand that you've been sent here to give feedback, and I know this isn't the ideal thing for you and other players in the community. We're taking all of this very seriously and please continue to give your thoughts. English does help, but if you are much more comfortable in speaking Chinese only then please do so.

There's been a lot of miscommunication and we're looking into it. I can't give a solid answer about anything right now because everything is in progress, but we are listening. Thank you and I'm sorry that the changes have been upsetting and that you haven't been able to give feedback in other forums.

edit: Just wanted to say too that both me and liquidcat are not involved with the translation, we're doing our best to help communicate with what we know so we can't give a lot of information but we will definitely keep you updated and we hope this is temporary (so you will be able to better give feedback in the Chinese community)
the transition team just need to post an account for players take translation problem in Chinese forum like "bilibili".you know most of Chinese player could not join the this forums for discussion because some Chinese internet policy.
about transition there are many others reflected.
as I know, a translation member once responded to some questions in the Chinese community, but when the majority opinion came he chose to cancel the account.


Hello Everyone! Thank you all for your patience and your feedback, translation will be rolled back to 1.6.3 version.
Hey, it's a good news, but please don't revert some of the translations like 老坎诺利大师 and 通过出货箱售出. Thank you.


I originally wanted to make a long paragraph, but now let me explain it simply and straightforwardly. The new Chinese translation is undoubtedly a huge earthquake for the Chinese community in Stardew Valley. See the Steam review for details. Nowadays, many Chinese players are giving Stardew Valley bad reviews because of the new Chinese translation. Not only because of the excessive literalism (deviating from real-life applications) in the new Chinese translation, but also because of some obvious mistranslations. (For example, Godfather is translated as foster father, piggy is translated as zhuyinger. No one in China would express it this way, just like not all British people are Shakespeare), and the arrogant attitude of the Chinese team really angered the Chinese players. "Survival bias" "Most people like it, but they don't say anything", okay, now you can see those unfortunate few from the Steam negative reviews.But I guess when you see it, you might think, "Oh, the Chinese are really irrational," or "Ah, I know, this is the blind obedience effect."(if you can read it).
Have a nice day.


Hello Everyone! Thank you all for your patience and your feedback, translation will be rolled back to 1.6.3 version.
Good to hear that! We appreciate that the translators are making efforts to make the translation better. But next time, we hope they can connect with the communities and discuss what needs to be changed before applying the changes.


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that it's OK to speak Chinese in this topic. I understand that you've been sent here to give feedback, and I know this isn't the ideal thing for you and other players in the community. We're taking all of this very seriously and please continue to give your thoughts. English does help, but if you are much more comfortable in speaking Chinese only then please do so.

There's been a lot of miscommunication and we're looking into it. I can't give a solid answer about anything right now because everything is in progress, but we are listening. Thank you and I'm sorry that the changes have been upsetting and that you haven't been able to give feedback in other forums.

edit: Just wanted to say too that both me and liquidcat are not involved with the translation, we're doing our best to help communicate with what we know so we can't give a lot of information but we will definitely keep you updated and we hope this is temporary (so you will be able to better give feedback in the Chinese community)
I really want to thank you for looking into our messages and transferring them to the translators! Somehow we cannot reach them through our local Chinese communities, so your work helped us all to resolve the situation.


I want to point out that, undeniably, there are some good changes in the 1.6.4 version, but the overall translation quality is pretty bad. From my perspective, the translators definitely should go to the Chinese Stardew Valley communities (贴吧,小红书,b站,等等), and actually talk with us to hear our opinions. The players are happy to accept reasonable changes.


I want to point out that, undeniably, there are some good changes in the 1.6.4 version, but the overall translation quality is pretty bad. From my perspective, the translators definitely should go to the Chinese Stardew Valley communities (贴吧,小红书,b站,等等), and actually talk with us to hear our opinions. The players are happy to accept reasonable changes.
Yeah, they shouldn't let the video uploaders and forum administrators take the blame for them. It's their job to communicate with players, not these uploaders and administrators'.


First of all, I apologize for my somewhat extreme remarks in my last post, but what happened recently is really hard to calm down. Many Chinese players have devoted hundreds of hours to this game. Stardew Valley is more than just a game for us, it is a warm little home we have built in the virtual world. And when you open the door and return to this warm world, wanting to get comfort, you find that everything is so strange and weird, and everyone is saying weird things.
Stardew Valley is originally a magical world, and many players have formed original reading habits. It is good to be able to correct some old translation errors in the new version. Thank you for your efforts. However, the addition of overly academic words and Chinese Internet buzzwords is unacceptable and violates the principle of “faithfulness 、expressiveness and elegance ” in translation. It feels like the God of the real world has suddenly turned into the God of Shakespeare and the Internet, and everyone either speaks like Shakespeare or can only communicate in Internet slang.
As for the feedback from players, I don’t know if the Chinese team has taken it seriously and listened to their suggestions. Just like what someone mentioned before: "dachang (Internet giant company)" and "neijuan (meaningless individual competition)". A staff member replied that the word "neijuan" appeared in 2018, so it is reasonable for Sebastian to say this word. Which is funny, because Stardew Valley doesn't reflect a lot of its era. It is obviously unreasonable to use this reason to support the translation of these two words, because I can also say that Sebastian is still using such a large desktop computer, how can you determine whether the time in the game is later than 2018? And I also saw in the player responses later that some players from other places where Chinese is spoken, they do not clearly understand Internet buzzwords that only exist in mainland China, such as "dachang (Internet giant company)". Therefore, as someone mentioned before, if players want to propose modifications, they must give them rigorously and conscientiously without making any mistakes or omissions. Sometimes the staff can refute it by just giving a subjective or even sophistical reply. This is arrogant and defeats the purpose of communication because we inevitably end up in a verbal spat.


Moreover, after the new translation was released, the Chinese translation team found two video bloggers who have great influence in the Chinese Stardew Valley community and announced the launch of the new Chinese translation, which caused a great response. As of my refresh last night, there were nearly 4,000 comments under the three videos. If they want feedback, this is a great place to get it. Not to mention the discussions initiated by players on other platforms (Tieba贴吧, Xiaohongshu小红书). Please treat this matter with caution.


Moreover, after the new translation was released, the Chinese translation team found two video bloggers who have great influence in the Chinese Stardew Valley community and announced the launch of the new Chinese translation, which caused a great response. As of my refresh last night, there were nearly 4,000 comments under the three videos. If they want feedback, this is a great place to get it. Not to mention the discussions initiated by players on other platforms (Tieba贴吧, Xiaohongshu小红书). Please treat this matter with caution.
I just checked it again and unfortunately, one of the bloggers has deleted the video. I can understand it, because now these two bloggers bear the players' dissatisfaction with the Chinese group.