Solved [RESOLVED] Level 10 Fisher + Luremaster = Picking Up Pots Constantly

Pretty much what the title says. Used to be able to walk a line of pots, harvest the innards; then walk that same line backward to bait them (using a controller) and essentially never pick up a crab pot. Now that I have Luremaster, this is very nearly impossible (and of course I don't have to bait the pots anymore.)

I'm not the only one:

Would be lovely to see this fixed.
Just checking, anyone else that's experienced this? I'm on Linux, so unfortunately the save editors I have run into are either Windows based (and no luck with WINE) or macOS based, and I haven't got a Mac.


Local Legend
I'm not sure this actually qualifies as a "bug", but it is unfortunate behavior. It is not unknown behavior as well. Perhaps a suggestion? Still, making it harder to pick up crab pots for everyone else just because it is too easy for the Luremaster... I'm not sure how well that would be received.

However, might I recommend not going Luremaster in the first place? By the time you get to Fishing 10 and can pick that profession, you should have lots and lots and lots of bait, or a steady supply of bait. Just go Mariner. Stop getting trash AND increase (by a lot) the chances of getting the more valuable crab pot fish.
I'd be fine with editing my save to set it to the point/XP where I'm asked and go the other direction (Mariner.) And I'm so used to baiting pots that having to do it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Do you know of an editor in Linux (besides properly digging through the files by hand?)


Local Legend
You can already switch professions. You don't have to edit the file to remove XP so that you can re-pick. What I'm going to explain isn't exactly super-secret, but just in case, I'll put it behind a spoiler, in case you don't want to know the details and figure it out on your own...

After donating 60 items to Gunther at the museum you will receive the Rusty Key. That gives you access to the Sewers and Krobus, as well as the Statue of Uncertainty. If you spend 10k gold at the statue it allows you to pick a skill... and instantly you lose all professions for that skill. The following morning, however, you get to re-pick your professions and could pick Mariner then.
Gotcha. I'm often in the mood to go digging for this stuff, but it's really all the OTHER stuff about the world that I want, and that will work. Plus it's in-game, so I feel more solid about doing it that-a-way. Thanks! I'll probably be back to close this, since it's a known thing.

Wild guess: Is that Vivi as your avatar? Awesome! (I know how to change my pic, just haven't done it yet.)


Local Legend
I do not believe the artist intended it to be Vivi (I've been asked that before). What I do know is that Vivi is a Black Mage, and this is a picture by isaiahjordan on
DeviantArt that was titled "Dissidia: Black Mage of Light", so many similarities will arise. When I found this image and used it for my avatar I did make a profile post crediting the artist then too. ☺
All right, we good here. Back with the benefit of less junk! Thank you for jumping in and helping.

Vivi's the Black Mage of FF9, so that makes sense. Still quite awesome, and thanks for doing the right thing and giving due credit. I believe in that sort of thing also.