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My phone: Galaxy tab a 8 sm-t290


Problem: If you have 999 of any item in the chest and you have some more of the same item in your inventory, move the 999 to the lesser one in your inventory and the lesser one will be destroyed.

I know it's a bit confusing so watch the video


Type of phone: Apple iPhone 12
Details of your issue: Menus and huds are still zoomed in and big. Even when messing with settings it doesn’t change.

On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?
Any other info that might be relevant:
i wake up in bed normally and I have the newest update that came out 1/18/23



my phone: galaxy tab a sm-t290

Problem: If you have an item with 999 in the chest and you have some more of that item in your inventory, move the 999 items onto the lesser items in your inventory and drop them, and less items will be destroyed.

I can't upload video but I can show it with these photos
Screenshot_20230118-232631_Video Player.jpg
Screenshot_20230118-232439_Video Player.jpg


Feel free to remove - I wasn't able to find a tablet or ipad specific post, but I figured I'd stick here just in case.

Type of phone: iPad (9th gen, 15.6.1 version), game version 15.6 build 36
Details of your issue:
  • fishing reeling sound gets stuck, at first I didn't notice b/c I was on the beach but the sound constantly gets stuck playing until I close the app.
  • Ever since I leveled up on mining, foraging, fishing - I always get asked for the prompts to choose paths even when I've already done so the first time I got to those levels (i.e - I got to level 10 foraging and every time I start a new day it always asks if I want to be a botanist or tracker, then for fishing level 5 fisher or trapper, etc.)
Screenshots/video: n/a
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? - through load game menu and woke up in bed.
Any other info that might be relevant: n/a


Feel free to remove - I wasn't able to find a tablet or ipad specific post, but I figured I'd stick here just in case.

Type of phone: iPad (9th gen, 15.6.1 version), game version 15.6 build 36
Details of your issue:
  • fishing reeling sound gets stuck, at first I didn't notice b/c I was on the beach but the sound constantly gets stuck playing until I close the app.
  • Ever since I leveled up on mining, foraging, fishing - I always get asked for the prompts to choose paths even when I've already done so the first time I got to those levels (i.e - I got to level 10 foraging and every time I start a new day it always asks if I want to be a botanist or tracker, then for fishing level 5 fisher or trapper, etc.)
Screenshots/video: n/a
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)? - through load game menu and woke up in bed.
Any other info that might be relevant: n/a
I'm on an iPad Mini 6 and having the same issue with the fishing path prompt. Since hitting fishing level 5, it asks me the path every single day. I'm even level 6 now, but it keeps asking. :(

Another issue is when I donate to the museum, the inventory box is transparent in the top two rows. It does show the outline of the boxes, just the background color is missing.


Phone: Samsung Galaxy A22 (android 13)

I noticed such a problem. When I clicked on the bottom option (heal Sebastian), the top option was selected. It was like that every time, I definitely clicked on the lower option, and the upper one was chosen.
Sorry if there are mistakes in the text, I use a translator
Thank you for your work!



Tipo de dispositivo : Samsung alaxy S8 Plus
Problema : Al llegar al nivel cinco en agricultura me salio la opción de elegir profesión, ranchero o labrador, elegí la segunda opción y desde entonces cada noche q duermo en el juego me vuelve a salir la pantalla de elección de profesión (solo me ha sucedido con la agricultura no se si podria pasar con otro tipo) espero q lo arreglen
Capturas de pantalla:


Tipo de dispositivo : Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus Problema: Al llegar al nivel cinco (5) de agricultura me apareció la pantalla de elección de profesión, elegí la de ranchero y desde entinces todas la noche aparece la pantalla de elección de profesión (solo me ha pasado con la agricultura no se si ocurrira con otro)


Loaded the new update and the profession issue was fixed, tahnk you!

New error- froze at community center when adding to a bundle and had to restart the day, which fixed it.

Playing on an iPad 10 gen.


iPad latest os.
can not put items into containers to fullfill quests from the large billboard.
The button and slider to create items does not show.
inventory transparent when transfering items to the museum.

latest update might have fixed this. The create button and slider is back anyway.
I did not notice the update on appstore first. Had to refresh the appstore to see it.
Last edited:


The 1.5 update was just released on Amazon earlier this week. The version currently available for download is the Will we see the .36 and .37 updates soon?


For anyone with an iPad pro 12.9 inch (not sure about any other ipads)
If you go into your display settings and change to ‘Zoomed’ it corrects the tiny font issue and also allows you to submit special order items!!!!
This worked with mine. Crafting button is back and Special order quest fixed. Could drag items but only on the top row inventory and have to click it multiple times before it worked.


Iphone 13 pro max
Combine rings dont work, I already try to unforge them, but that doesnt work also.
Idirium band doesnt magnet things, increase damage
Ruby ring doesnt increase damage

I even Load from the bed and from the emergency load, both dont work


1) iPad Pro second gen
2) Issues
A) Everything is super zoomed out

B) I cant add the hardwood to the pile.

C) things are messed up when I donate items, I’m still able to though

D) After finishing a bundle, when I received a gift from the Junimos, it was place in a backpack slot that I don’t have yet. I was able to move it though.

3) It doesn’t seem to matter if I load from the start menu or an emergency load, these bugs pop up. I also tried adjusting the settings to get the spacing fixed but that didn’t work.
Thank you for your hard work :) I enjoy this game


It is really difficult to select the auto grabber in the large barn. Maybe something to do with milk products as I find egg auto grabber easier. And I can not use the pick ax to move it. Have to just keep tapping away until it opens.
Iphone 7.
Same issue with all the chests/autograbbers and also fruit trees inside the greenhouse. I pinch in and out to change zoom and voila they are interactable again. But it is not a permanent solution.


Iphone 6S+

Whenever I go to Ginger Island, the game refuses to save. The game is frozen on the saving screen. I did not start with an emergency load. If I go to Ginger Island (first time going to Ginger Island) and try to save the day, the day does not get saved.


It freezes when you play music from apple music and Spotify, has since it updated. I have commented a few times.


1. Ipad pro 12.9
2. When doing the special Orders board quest, when dropping off the selected items to the bin, I cant seem to move the items to the bin. It happens to Linus trash quest and George’s leeks. Might be the same for all the Special orders board quest.
1. Also IPad Pro 12.9 version 15.6.1
2. When doing Pierre’s special order, I cannot put the items in the bin.
3. I verified that they qualify.
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