Please Update Mobile Version.!!


Please Developers update mobile version and adding sitting animation for mobile like pc we can sit in our house Chair, sofa, or bench but in mobile ver Sitting Animation i really feel missing it's not too hard to add for mobile l, i purchased though like pc but many things missing also longtime no update for mobile so please don't give us fake hope wanted to know why no update for mobile for longtime. :/
Please 🙏 reply thanks

Hill Myna

Hello Arshi! Welcome to the Forums!

Here's the latest news from ConcernedApe (the developer):

It sounds like it won't be too much longer until your farmer can finally take a break on the couch!

This thread has more details and is the place to look for progress updates. I'm sure there'll be an announcement in the News & Announcements section, too. :)

Hope this helps, happy farming!