1.6 Update Please Add a trade to acquire Gold Animal Crackers


A good example that was recently added, is the Coal for Mahogany Seed trade at the Racoon Shop.

In the next 1.6.9 update, I'd like to see a trade for Gold Animal Crackers, to make it easier to acquire and potentialy a way of buying them indirectly like the above trade when buying coal.

I think a perfect trade would be, exchanging 5-10 Golden Coconuts for 1 Gold Animal Cracker.

With this trade, post perfection players can make use of it to get an abundance of these Crackers. There is a rewarding method for acquiring lots of these Crackers using this trade. Have numerous Endless Fortune Statues, wait until Linus' birthday to collect coconuts from all these statues, then trade the coconuts for Gold Coconuts at the island trader to then do the Gold Animal Cracker trade. To make use of this trade using this method, it requires lots of money and gives another use for Endless Fortune Statues, which honestly needs more utility for it's expense. This trade will add more gameplay in the late game.

I hope Concerned Ape see this, I would love this implementation.


Local Legend
Probably better in the game suggestions thread

Absolutely agree though, I need 1800 of the things and it's honestly not worth bothering for unless there's a better way to get them, I understand that's a pretty niche issue to have though, most people only have a few barns or coops and the few you can get a day adds up fast for them.

Lew Zealand

Probably better in the game suggestions thread

Absolutely agree though, I need 1800 of the things and it's honestly not worth bothering for unless there's a better way to get them, I understand that's a pretty niche issue to have though, most people only have a few barns or coops and the few you can get a day adds up fast for them.
Yeah if you're not MinMaxing Animals then you get enough Golden Crackers from Fishing and other things. Having the Pirate Profession may help with those as I get Crackers pretty frequently from Fishing Treasure Chests, I can't really tell as I haven't turned Pirate off in this save and have zero interest in doing so. While there are real benefits to the other Fishing professions and I used them for years, Pirate is by far the most fun and really...

Isn't that the point?


Local Legend
Yeah if you're not MinMaxing Animals then you get enough Golden Crackers from Fishing and other things. Having the Pirate Profession may help with those as I get Crackers pretty frequently from Fishing Treasure Chests, I can't really tell as I haven't turned Pirate off in this save and have zero interest in doing so. While there are real benefits to the other Fishing professions and I used them for years, Pirate is by far the most fun and really...

Isn't that the point?
Fair, though fishing is pretty slow irl
If I can get 10 a day fishing but 7 from skull cavern that sounds great but fishing all day takes often more than 2x a regular day of playtime


I am not even actively hunting Golden Animal crackers, yet i fed all my animals one (48 in total) and 11 fishponds (from the 34 i have). While fighting, i get some and while fishing, i get some more. I opened many Golden Mystery Boxes in a row, yet only 2 crackers showed up. Am in year 9, right now.

But i am rooting for you, your suggestion is great! We need to trade for Golden Animal Crackers, the more the better, the sooner the merrier!

I would also suggest for other items to be on merchant store, such as the rare to find hats and the rare to find boots. And the racoons can absolutely use even more rarities and oddities, to be bought with strange items as currency!