Excited for upcoming anime seasons?
- The final season of AoT. I haven’t watched the first part of s4 yet since I like to binge an entire season. I have however read all of the manga (and spin-offs, as well as have seen anime spin-offs), so I’m looking forward to seeing how the final season adapts from the manga. ^^
Plays on Xbox?
- Yup! Although, not too much recently, since I’ve been playing Stardew on my laptop and now also working on my mod (as well as being active here on the forums), so my time is being consumed lol. The last game I played on my Xbox was Maneater.
Plays D&D?
- Never played it ^^; My brothers have though, and I watched them play.
Enjoys The Elder Scrolls?
- Not a fan of ESO, but I absolutely LOVE Skyrim. I bought the newest version of it even lol (well, didn’t re-buy the game itself, since I already own the Special Edition, and so just paid the difference for the upgrade to the ‘new’ stuff). Also, random note, this on my Xbox One.
Playing the new Five Nights at Freddy’s game?
- Not yet! But I definitely want to lol I love that franchise ^^ (there are a couple I don’t care for, but otherwise I love it). Foxy all the way (and Chica too)!
Favourite book?
- Tough one. I do enjoy the Sword of Truth series, but I haven’t read them recently. I also love a lot of Steven King’s work too.
Manga-wise, it’s a tough call … (no chronological order) Seven Deadly Sins, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Assassination Classroom, Wolf’s Rain, Namaikizakari, Hunter x Hunter, and Fairy Tail.
American comics-wise, I’ve always been a fan of Venom ever since I was a little, and then when mum felt I was ‘old enough’, I was introduced to the Merc with a Mouth series aka Deadpool. So I love Venom comics and Deadpool comics, as well as ones with Cable in them. ^^ Oh, and also comics containing Joker and Harley (I grew a fondness for Joker when I watched Batman the Animated Series when I was a kid … I just absolutely love how Mark Hamill voices him!).
Favourite movie?
- This one is incredibly tough, since it can fluctuate. At present, probably … the first Venom movie? Or maybe both IT movies (the remake/reboot)? Nightmare Before Christmas is always on my fave list.