Solved No sound on iPad from launch


Hey, I just bought and downloaded the game on my iPad mini 6. When I first launched it there’s no sound.

apologies if I’m repeat posting here or missing something obvious, i did look through things. This is what I’ve tried with no success:

reinstall the game
restart the game
turn off bluetooth (no Bluetooth speakers connected)
turn off wifi (no HomePods connected)
confirmed that sound would come out the iPad speakers by playing music in the music app

Can anyone tell me other ways to try and fix this? Or maybe the devs just need to be notified.

thanks a lot 🖤

Hill Myna

Hello AJ! You've done the right thing, even if nobody can help you (which I really hope isn't the case!)

I'm no expert, so I'll just ask you the only obvious question I know that might help. :D

Can I confirm that in the Pause Menu > Options > Sound the sliders are not on 0?

Thanks for providing great information, hope this helps!


Thank you for both of your replies! I appreciate it 💝

I hadn’t gone far enough into the game yet to get a pause menu, it’s after the character creation.

But! Actually unfortunately yes, the fix was shockingly easy, it was because the notifications were on silent 😅 it works now. I didn’t even realise they were on silent because i have them permanently like that, and I have never experienced that silencing app sound effects before.

Thank you for the fix! I can now finally play Stardew happily ever after 😭😍