PS4 Multi-player time suggestion


Hi there! Wanted to see if they're going to be multi-player fixes for consoles? Currently in PS4 when playing multi-player the time ends incredibly too fast since things such as cutscenes, events, dialogue, nor going into menus will NOT pause the game nor will playing mini games like fishing or arcade slow the game down. We are new to the game and really like harvest moon but it seems this mistake of games not slowing down for all parties makes the game feel very stressful. Maybe if there was a game feature for newbies like us that you can set up like adding options like difficulty modifiers like -5 to +50% more time to the day might make it less stressful for those of us trying to play casually? I really wish to be able to do these things on my ps4 while playing with family without getting stressed out or ending up yelling and rushing my other teammates to save themselves before they pass out costing the entire group a penalizing punishment :( thank you