Min-Max Guide / Optimal Play


Checked it, just to leave no doubts. With targeted bait on a sunny day...
Thats something that likely won't happen in early days. Also level 20 has barely any trash - you get either one of the 2 fish or something else - white algae and less likely green algae. White one can later be cooked into pale broth, both also can be used directly for energy.


Also level 20 has barely any trash
I consider algae trash because it doesn't net you a direct income, unlike chubs, which can be sold for a fair amount if necessary. Fishing at the lake or in the river cuts the probability for getting "trash" (algae and jellies included) because targeted bait works wonders there.

Thats something that likely won't happen in early days.
Luck-wise, you rely on getting forages for the bait maker (in best case scenario - on D5. @Werbenja suggests it should be D6, which I'm okay with, but anything later than that will could make you feel like lagging behind). and not getting infested floors. After failing to get all forages needed on D6, I tested how often and when I could get the rest. From my experience, it's the sea urchin that's the bottleneck. The wiki says: "The average spawn rate for Sea Urchin in the tide pool section of the beach is 0.23/day. " I went to bed instantly after checking the beach - this means taking little steps. I'm saying that just in case, perhaps it affects the spawn rate anyhow? Anyways, take a look at my results:

Test 1: on D6, I got 1 sea urchin and 1 coral. D7 provided me with another coral and on D8 I got another 2.
Test 2: on D5, I got 3 corals and this irritated me so I quit the run. After checking it now I see I got a sea urchin and two corals on D6.
Test 3: D6: 6 corals. D7: 2 corals. D8: +2 corals. 4 in total. D9: no changes. D10: +1 coral and a clam. D11: +1 coral. D12: no changes. D13: it's Egg Festival and here I stopped counting for an urchin.
Test 4: D5: 7 corals. D6: +1 coral. D7: clam and a mussel. D8: +2 corals. D9: +2 corals. D10: no changes. D11: +2 corals. D12: no changes.

From here on, I started making new characters that I "pushed" to D5 by instantly going to bed. Aside from the results above you can add 3 cases in which I got all forageables needed on D5. They are all now D7-9.

Test 5: D5: got everything needed.
Test 6: D5: 6 corals. D6: no changes. D7: 2 corals, 1 mussel. From now on I'll just mention on which day I got urchin, if it was doable before D13. D9: got an urchin
Test 7: D5: no urchin. D6: urchin got
Test 8: D5: urchin got, 1 coral missing. D6: coral appeared.
Test 9: D5: got everything
Test 10: D5: no urchin. D8: urchin got.
Test 11: D5: got everything
Test 12: D5: got everything
Test 13: D5: got everything
Test 14: D5: got everything
Test 15: D5: got everything
Test 16: D5: got everything
Test 17: D5: no urchin. D10: urchin got
Test 18: D5: got everything
Test 19: D5: got everything
Test 20: D5: got everything

So no, I don't think that bait maker in early spring is unlikely to happen. I have all the saves preserved, and can provide them if needed.


After unlocking the bus on the 14th, I was able to do 1st SC run on the 15th. This, in a way, leads to "suffering from success" - as there are many questions arising: is it sensible to spend some money and ores to fit in one extra tool upgrade? Should you care for Calico statues inside SC to hit Egg rate of 55 to get Magic Rock Candy and 500 Calico Eggs? Is there a good reason behind leaving the Cavern to make it in time for villager shops (12am)? When to buy the 3rd pack upgrade? Let me try to answer them:

1) Providing you have iron pickaxe and either copper hoe or axe before D15, you don't need another tool upgrade before summer (aside from those mentioned by Zamiel). However, gold hoe would come in handy, especially for quality sprinklers, as they share the shape. This'd mean 4 upgrades after first SC run: axe to silver and hoe to gold - and they can be done just like mentioned in the guide - the only difference is money needed.

2) Egg rate is interesting. You should reach 2nd best with little effort - but the best one requires activating as many Statues as possible, and even then it's highly unlikely you'd reach Rate 55 on your first SC run. As the Statues are a mixed blessing, you're very likely to get "More monsters" at least once- and this alone poses a number of problems:
a) slower descent and, consequently,
b) less iridium ore
c) more food wasted
d) lower mining level (may not be a problem in the long run)
For comparison, I got 170 iridium when activated the Statues and 240 when I skipped them altogether. I still managed to get Rate 25-54. So my answer is: Calico statues are not worth it.

3) Villager shops may be worth it if you want to get a specific item, and you know whose shops will be open. I think that Emily's (Prismatic Shard) and Jas's (Magic Rock Candy) and the best ones. Aside from that, there are some weapons I didn't check, treasure trove (George) and a Nautiful shell (Demetrius)

4) The 3rd pack upgrade could be bought on the same day the vault is unlocked, or on the day of the first tool upgrade (after starting SC runs)

So far I'm on D16. Feel free to ask questions and challenge my views.

ETA: I can't praise enough how well-thought 1.6 update seems to me, and how well its parts fit some min max strategies. Let's take books, specifically the Woodcutter's Weekly from the Desert Festival: it allows you to level up a skill if you can't level up any other skill, preventing you from waking up with but half the energy. And it appears at the time when one could be getting mining lvl 10, after which only combat goes up (rather slowly, providing you avoid fights in SC).
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Local Legend
After unlocking the bus on the 14th, I was able to do 1st SC run on the 15th. This, in a way, leads to "suffering from success" - as there are many questions arising: is it sensible to spend some money and ores to fit in one extra tool upgrade? Should you care for Calico statues inside SC to hit Egg rate of 55 to get Magic Rock Candy and 500 Calico Eggs? Is there a good reason behind leaving the Cavern to make it in time for villager shops (12am)? When to buy the 3rd pack upgrade? Let me try to answer them:

1) Providing you have iron pickaxe and either copper hoe or axe before D15, you don't need another tool upgrade before summer (aside from those mentioned by Zamiel). However, gold hoe would come in handy, especially for quality sprinklers, as they share the shape. This'd mean 4 upgrades after first SC run: axe to silver and hoe to gold - and they can be done just like mentioned in the guide - the only difference is money needed.

2) Egg rate is interesting. You should reach 2nd best with little effort - but the best one requires activating as many Statues as possible, and even then it's highly unlikely you'd reach Rate 55 on your first SC run. As the Statues are a mixed blessing, you're very likely to get "More monsters" at least once- and this alone poses a number of problems:
a) slower descent and, consequently,
b) less iridium ore
c) more food wasted
d) lower mining level (may not be a problem in the long run)
For comparison, I got 170 iridium when activated the Statues and 240 when I skipped them altogether. I still managed to get Rate 25-54. So my answer is: Calico statues are not worth it.

3) Villager shops may be worth it if you want to get a specific item, and you know whose shops will be open. I think that Emily's (Prismatic Shard) and Jas's (Magic Rock Candy) and the best ones. Aside from that, there are some weapons I didn't check, treasure trove (George) and a Nautiful shell (Demetrius)

4) The 3rd pack upgrade could be bought on the same day the vault is unlocked, or on the day of the first tool upgrade (after starting SC runs)

So far I'm on D16. Feel free to ask questions and challenge my views.

ETA: I can't praise enough how well-thought 1.6 update seems to me, and how well its parts fit some min max strategies. Let's take books, specifically the Woodcutter's Weekly from the Desert Festival: it allows you to level up a skill if you can't level up any other skill, preventing you from waking up with but half the energy. And it appears at the time when one could be getting mining lvl 10, after which only combat goes up (rather slowly, providing you avoid fights in SC).
I did a bunch of super early game run testing with the desert festival and was able to get 1500-1600 eggs and easily over the calico rating using just and iron pick and slammer with 100 bombs and some food. That was my average too, even on really bad runs I still usually got 1300-1400 eggs and just eeked out the calico rating, usually with a 60 or something.

Definitely go for the statues as unless you get super bad rng like me you'll get the max calico rating and the 3 mrc is incredibly valuable, even just to save for skull cavern runs later (the meager 100-200 ore you'll get from ignoring the statues will be massively overshadowed by having mrc for descents on actual iridium runs)

Definitely could be a matter of skill too, I've spent quite a few hundred hours in sc in this game and am decent at early sc


was able to get 1500-1600 eggs and easily over the calico rating using just and iron pick and slammer with 100 bombs and some food.
How did you get so many bombs early? Last time I saved around 100 iron to make bombs on the run (I also traded quartz for bombs later)

Definitely go for the statues as unless you get super bad rng like me you'll get the max calico rating and the 3 mrc is incredibly valuable, even just to save for skull cavern runs later (the meager 100-200 ore you'll get from ignoring the statues will be massively overshadowed by having mrc for descents on actual iridium runs)
I have my saves backed up so I can go back. I think that if D15 is your first SC run, then it's very hard to reach Rate 55. Now, if you could just go to the desert on 14th and get at least one warp totem: desert - it'd be fantastic. I can try doing so - my D14 was mostly getting ores for first SC run, as it never hurts you to have more bombs ready. One extra thing - I'm even more convinced gold pick upgrade does more harm than help.

EDIT: I've just loaded D13 and double-checked: I had minecarts unlocked and I also had all the money IN FISH to unlock the bus - but D13 is Flower Dance, and even if it weren't - Willy doesn't open then. Your best bet is to either ship everything on D12 and pray it'll suffice or accept starting D15 SC run later than it's optimal (around 9am). Anyways, I'm not gonna accept defeat here. I've just loaded D12 and will probably get the bus repaired on D14 to do one SC run before the festival. The absolute best case scenario would include getting a prismatic shard D14 - that'd make the whole Festival easier.

Definitely could be a matter of skill too
It may be the case, yes. I got irritated when I reached Rate 54 and was unable to reach Gil before 2am after the struggle for Rate 55 on D15. Keep in mind I didn't try aiming for Rate 55 on D16 and D17 - which would be MUCH easier considering you have more time to reach it. There's also one more thing - I don't know how exactly luck works in SV - If I have a super luck day and I eat MRC - will I "lose" overflow of luck? Will I hit a luck ceiling? Zamiel suggests using MRC on a bad luck day - but does that mean you should save your MRC for worse luck days? Or perhaps it's more sensible to be liberal with them early on since money makes snowball effect?

For now I'm concerned with buying 2nd Starfruit batch, as it seems very hard if not impossible to do so without selling 1st Starfruits. Selling SF and replanting on the same day is an ardous task, and I'm yet to check how well it's gonna go.

Thanks for the feedback and good luck in your runs!
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Local Legend
How did you get so many bombs early? Last time I saved around 100 iron to make bombs on the run (I also traded quartz for bombs later)
You can get about 100 a day pretty easily from just resetting 65,55,45,41 then transitioning to 41 when you have enough coal

I have my saves backed up so I can go back. I think that if D15 is your first SC run, then it's very hard to reach Rate 55. Now, if you could just go to the desert on 14th and get at least one warp totem: desert - it'd be fantastic. I can try doing so - my D14 was mostly getting ores for first SC run, as it never hurts you to have more bombs ready. One extra thing - I'm even more convinced gold pick upgrade does more harm than help.
The run I did on the 15th did have a totem, I have been running sc since the 8th or 9th on that save, however, I got like 75 egg rating on some of the resets which I think makes up for the lost 3.5 hours
don't know how exactly luck works in SV - If I have a super luck day and I eat MRC - will I "lose" overflow of luck? Will I hit a luck ceiling? Zamiel suggests using MRC on a bad luck day - but does that mean you should save your MRC for worse luck days? Or perhaps it's more sensible to be liberal with them early on since money makes snowball effect?
Daily luck and buff luck are separate and have different effects on the same and also different things.
For ladders which is what matters the most here daily luck and buff luck both have pretty easy to calculate effects:
Your base chance to find a ladder when breaking a rock is 2%, daily luck can add or subtract 2% at best/worst. Buff luck adds basically a single percentage chance per buff so magic rock candy adds 5% chance to each rock upon breaking it. (there are a few other things too like the inverse of the rocks remaining being added as a percentage chance so you can't ever be unable to get a ladder even with the worst luck possible and the lucky charm adding daily luck too).

It is advised to eat mrc on bad daily luck days to make up for the deficit for finding ladders, you've get more ore from 2 average luck days than 1 great luck and one that can't go anywhere as it has bad negative luck.
For now I'm concerned with buying 2nd Starfruit batch, as it seems very hard if not impossible to do so without selling 1st Starfruits. Selling SF and replanting on the same day is an ardous task, and I'm yet to check how well it's gonna go.
You get a load of time in early summer to spend in sc for cash for starfruit, should be able to keep all of the first harvest just fine and make enough from iridium.


I have been running sc since the 8th or 9th on that save
I'm not sure how you can do so without using exploits or getting extremely lucky with rainy days. From what I understand you must upgrade the pick on D3, then on D5, and it's ready on D7 - but that'd mean reaching the bottom in one single day (or a bit more if you have already unlocked the vault, which is also unlikely because you need 2-3 crabpot items on average to unlock the boiler room bundles) I'm eager to listen about your more in-depth strats then, though, again, I doubt they're easily applicable. Long as you enjoy your game - it doesn't matter but keep in mind I'm doing no-glich runs. That also means not settting name to get specific items.

It is advised to eat mrc on bad daily luck days to make up for the deficit for finding ladders, you've get more ore from 2 average luck days than 1 great luck and one that can't go anywhere as it has bad negative luck.
Thank you. It is clear to me what to do with MRC then :)


Local Legend
I'm not sure how you can do so without using exploits or getting extremely lucky with rainy days
I'm only fishing day 2/3/4 and make about 30-35k while upgrading day 2 for copper pick for day 4 pickup, day 5 I spend getting to floor 65-90 (depends on luck/how much I reset really), day 6 getting to 115 (after buying joja membership) and resetting rest of day 6 and 7 for bombs and diamonds, either day 6-8 I buy the vault.
From what I understand you must upgrade the pick on D3, then on D5, and it's ready on D7
I'm not getting a gold pick, it does nearly nothing over an iron one, at most I'm getting iron but copper pick is fine for sc too, especially for the first runs, I'm relying on bombs primarily anyway then once I get enough combat experience explosive ammo supplemented with bombs
but that'd mean reaching the bottom in one single day (or a bit more if you have already unlocked the vault, which is also unlikely because you need 2-3 crabpot items on average to unlock the boiler room bundles)
Not using cc which means no need for all the bundles, just 2 trips to joja, only costs 2.5k more, I don't bother getting all the way in a single day but I buy salads and have the copper pick on day 4 which means I can decently easily get to level 70-80 on day 5
I'm eager to listen about your more in-depth strats then, though, again, I doubt they're easily applicable. Long as you enjoy your game - it doesn't matter but keep in mind I'm doing no-glich runs. That also means not settting name to get specific items.
I don't use any glitches for a run like this either, just some resetting
Thank you. It is clear to me what to do with MRC then :)
I'm glad I could help :)


I'm only fishing day 2/3/4 and make about 30-35k while upgrading day 2 for copper pick for day 4 pickup
After buying 1 copper ore on D1 you need 1800 for 24 more for 5 copper bars, plus 2000 for copper pick upgrade. With good luck D1 you should be able to get 1300-1400 total from foraging. You can then buy fiberglass rod asap but how are you supposed to get all the money for pick upgrade before Clint closes his shop? You'd need to start smelting copper no later than 2:39pm. With good luck and skill you should get L2 fishing before 12pm but that still leaves only 2.5h to get all the money. I can imagine D3 pick upgrade but D2 seems madness to me so unless you show me I won't believe it's possible.


Local Legend
After buying 1 copper ore on D1 you need 1800 for 24 more for 5 copper bars, plus 2000 for copper pick upgrade. With good luck D1 you should be able to get 1300-1400 total from foraging. You can then buy fiberglass rod asap but how are you supposed to get all the money for pick upgrade before Clint closes his shop? You'd need to start smelting copper no later than 2:39pm. With good luck and skill you should get L2 fishing before 12pm but that still leaves only 2.5h to get all the money. I can imagine D3 pick upgrade but D2 seems madness to me so unless you show me I won't believe it's possible.
I've been playing since 1.0 so many of these runs were done in 1.4 and 1.5 (my updates of specialty) where clay farming was present without advanced settings. I would just clay farm for about 7-8k day 1 and be able to afford everything on day 2.

To be quite frank I haven't played much 1.6 as I've been primarily playing 1.5 patches as they run better for me as well as having mechanics which are more beneficial to me, if I was playing 1.6 I would just turn on legacy rng and clay farm too as I don't find issue with it personally.

That being said, I have done a couple day 2 pickaxe upgrades without clay farming but they required a lot of forage cash day 1 and then something from a treasure chest (diamond) to accelerate the buying part, to be honest it's the running back and forth that's the main crippler as it's very hard to get the money and do all the running back and forth before 4pm. It could also be done a lot easier with seeding, ideally a bubble spot that lasts a full day or something similar and I think it would totally be possible, fishing with the bamboo pole is otherwise just too slow.


've been playing since 1.0 so many of these runs were done in 1.4 and 1.5 (my updates of specialty) where clay farming was present
That explains it. I don't consider it cheating but it's also in the grey area of RNG prediction. Clay farming is still an option when you turn on legacy option in 1.6 so you don't really lose it. I wonder if luck can still be changed by taking steps. From my experience, it's not seeded.

My goal was to seek a method to reach SC asap without clay farming, and so far I'm convinced you can start SC runs around D13. Since my saves back to D12, it's more sensible to just start over and see if I can do better. Thanks to you, @FilthyGorilla one of things to consider is upgrading the pick on D3 (seems doable to me regardless of luck/n0 of resets) and cutting down costs for D5 to steel pick upgrade, although I'm sure that bait maker returns its value very fast. I'm only afraid buying up to 40 iron ores(6000), 5000 for pick upgrade, 3000 for 300 wood and 1120 for Kale seeds is rarely doable without reaching L5 fishing D2.

Still, thank you for all the feedback! I really appreciate it!


Local Legend
That explains it. I don't consider it cheating but it's also in the grey area of RNG prediction. Clay farming is still an option when you turn on legacy option in 1.6 so you don't really lose it. I wonder if luck can still be changed by taking steps. From my experience, it's not seeded.
That's why I mentioned the legacy rng right after that statement.

And yes, daily luck is still predictable using steps though needs a new value table for 1.6.

My goal was to seek a method to reach SC asap without clay farming, and so far I'm convinced you can start SC runs around D13. Since my saves back to D12, it's more sensible to just start over and see if I can do better. Thanks to you, @FilthyGorilla one of things to consider is upgrading the pick on D3 (seems doable to me regardless of luck/n0 of resets) and cutting down costs for D5 to steel pick upgrade, although I'm sure that bait maker returns its value very fast. I'm only afraid buying up to 40 iron ores(6000), 5000 for pick upgrade, 3000 for 300 wood and 1120 for Kale seeds is rarely doable without reaching L5 fishing D2.
If you can get to level 40 and mine the ore in a single day that may be worth doing and upgrading the pickaxe a day later, especially since you plan on going to sc so much later on the 13th. While it's saving less money than you'd earn from fishing, the copper pickaxe is basically equivalent to any other higher tier pickaxe for the early mines levels (mines the standard and grey rocks in a single hit up to 40, it's just copper ore nodes which take more hits) so you'd be doing something you plan on doing later anyway.


If you can get to level 40 and mine the ore in a single day that may be worth doing and upgrading the pickaxe a day later, especially since you plan on going to sc so much later on the 13th
How come? In a classic joja run there are two bottlenecks stopping you from going to SC: F120 in the mines and money. There are two reasons to upgrade pickaxe to iron: to descend in the mines faster and to perform better in SC. The latter is not necessarily true if you consider using about 100 bombs you mentioned earlier, and it is questionable whether iron pick saves time in the mines or not. In brief, iron pick is not certainly a timesaver. And it's CERTAINLY not a moneysaver. I need to check what's faster then.

since you plan on going to sc so much later on the 13th
Keep in mind Zamiel's guide suggests going to SC around D17. Aiming for D13 (CC run, not joja but I'll check joja next) is a rather fair first try, considering how unpolished my 1.6 runs are. Once I can establish some facts I may be able to save 1-2 days. And all of that without relying on extreme luck.
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Local Legend
How come? In a classic joja run there are two bottlenecks stopping you from going to SC: F120 in the mines and money. There are two reasons to upgrade pickaxe to iron: to descend in the mines faster and to perform better in SC. The latter is not necessarily true if you consider using about 100 bombs you mentioned earlier, and it is questionable whether iron pick saves time in the mines or not. In brief, iron pick is not certainly a timesaver. And it's CERTAINLY not a moneysaver. I need to check what's faster then.
Iron pick will save time, but not really until level 40, most of what you'll encounter up there will be broken just as fast with a copper pick as an iron one. By going earlier and getting the iron yourself you're killing two birds with one stone, I was simply proposing it because you seemed quite adamant about a gold or iron pickaxe in earlier messages. By all means use just a copper one, it fairs fine in sc with the primary rock breaker being explosives (and does decently enough in the later mines levels too which can also be supplemented with explosives)
Keep in mind Zamiel's guide suggests going to SC around D17. Aiming for D13 (CC run, not joja but I'll check joja next) is a rather fair first try, considering how unpolished my 1.6 runs are. Once I can establish some facts I may be able to save 1-2 days. And all of that without relying on extreme luck.
I haven't really been using Zamiels guide for reference as it is entry level minmax and I assumed you had a bit more experience in prior updates but I can keep that timeframe more in mind if you'd like, it's definitely a bit more mixed up with 1.6.


Y’all have this down to the likes of those mathematical and scientific formulas I feared greatly in high school and college. You have my utmost respect for your brilliance but I dare say you are also bordering on insanity. 🤪


Local Legend
Y’all have this down to the likes of those mathematical and scientific formulas I feared greatly in high school and college. You have my utmost respect for your brilliance but I dare say you are also bordering on insanity. 🤪
Nothing beats spending hundreds of hours playing to absolute perfection to do something a little bit better in what's supposed to be a cute and cozy farming game


Sorry really new here and have been on a stint of watching min/max videos on youtube. Don't know if this is helpful or not but I found a seed that I seem to like for at least the first 3 days.

D1: Has 13 spring onions, has artifact on farside of cindersap pond (near wizard tower), and one of the trashcans has a bread inside.
D2: Has a cookie in trashcan next to pub to beach also has early bubbles (not ideal location but still helpful) and also has 8 catfish bait at shop to buy for D3
D3: Has great luck day.

Sorry only got to D3 since i have to replay each day a lot being a noob in this. The seed is 375475864 on standard farm. Don't know if you guys play with seeds but figured I'd share a decent one on 1.6.


Hello, I'd like to achieve "Perfection" as fast as possible, using 1.6 default rules and without "exploit", but with as many reset as needed (because I guess I'll have to practice a lot, specially for fishing catfish).
Before Y2 would be a minimum, maybe even winter Y1 is feasible if I go for the Joja + waivers route ?

The main strategy I read here and there seems to be as follow:
1) Days 1-10:
Make money by fishing in order to unlock the bus, upgrade the pickaxe to iron (gold ?), craft bombs
Reach mines lvl 120 to unlock the Skull Cave key

2) Days 10+:
- Farm the SC to buy startfruits, reaching lvl 100 asap then farming iriudium while going down.
- Craft A LOT of furnaces to melt the iridium.
- Craft A LOT of regular sprinklers and/or iridium ones
- Buy starfruit with the money from the SC, plant them in the farm
- Plant and tap oaks to make A LOT of kegs to turn the starfruits into wine

While I do understand the core concept, I don't know how one could manage to make enough money to buy the waivers (~50M) in Y1.
Since every stafruit wine earns 2750 gold, that would mean planting/kegging around 15K stafruits within less than a year, which seems absolutetly unfeasable.

The number of plantable tiles on the base farm is ~3000, which would make around 2 * 2750 * 3000 = 16M per month, which could match the 50M goal.
However, is it even possible to:
- Craft and place 3K kegs ? If not, then the profitability will sink.
- Hoe 3K tiles and water them (which would need around 330 regular spirnklers ...)

How much can you earn on a typical SC run ? Is it more than what is required to buy all the necessary starfruits and equipments ?

I saw someone mentionning that they were trying to complete perfection run as early as summer Y1, and I also wonder how this could be possible.

Thanks to anyone who could help !


Hello, I'd like to achieve "Perfection" as fast as possible, using 1.6 default rules and without "exploit", but with as many reset as needed (because I guess I'll have to practice a lot, specially for fishing catfish).
I'll try to answer the questions that you have or give some comments.
My background: I'm a casual min-max'er and by no mean I'm good at min-maxing. I'm probably better than 99% of Stardew valley players. However, in the min-max player base, I'm definitely in the bottom tier.
First of all, I'm not sure to what extent you consider an exploit is. Personally I use hammer special skill and animation canceling, which many people consider as exploit or even cheat. I don't do step counting to manipulate the daily luck. I do reset days, but not often.

1) Days 1-10:
Make money by fishing in order to unlock the bus, upgrade the pickaxe to iron (gold ?), craft bombs
Reach mines lvl 120 to unlock the Skull Cave key
Fishing day 2-4 is fine. But once you get the access to the mine, it's better if you do void spirit+diamond farming than fishing. The money you get from void essence + diamonds is most likely more than the money you get by fishing (unless you get godlike RNG with the treasure chests). In addition to that, the combat exp is critical to unlock the explosive ammo recipe. Explosive ammo is really good for skull cavern dives.

2) Days 10+:
- Farm the SC to buy startfruits, reaching lvl 100 asap then farming iriudium while going down.
- Craft A LOT of furnaces to melt the iridium.
- Craft A LOT of regular sprinklers and/or iridium ones
- Buy starfruit with the money from the SC, plant them in the farm
- Plant and tap oaks to make A LOT of kegs to turn the starfruits into wine
Yeah that's the general idea, but I need to add a few things:
- Since you're going Joja route, you need to unlock greenhouse, quarry, panning and go to ginger island ASAP. Craft sprinklers or get the sprinklers from treasure chests and plant starfruits in ginger island + greenhouse in mid/late Spring. You need agriculturist profession before your plant your starfruits in your main farm.
- Don't forget that you also need to buy deluxe speed gro fertilizer, not just starfruit seeds.
- You don't need to craft any sprinkler at all to water your starfruits in your main farm. If you really plan on reseting days as many as needed, might as well force rain totems from the skull cavern's treasure chest.
- I don't know what's the newest meta for 1.6 minmax, but from my experience, I think it's worth it to unlock the mining mastery ASAP. The statue is amazing especially if you get +1 ore buff and the heavy furnace is fantastic for both saving time and money. If you want to unlock the mastery, it means you have to get as many Woodcutter's Weekly as possible during the Desert festival. Fishing XP may be tricky though especially if you decide to go for void+diamond farming instead of fishing in early Spring.

While I do understand the core concept, I don't know how one could manage to make enough money to buy the waivers (~50M) in Y1.
Since every stafruit wine earns 2750 gold, that would mean planting/kegging around 15K stafruits within less than a year, which seems absolutetly unfeasable.

The number of plantable tiles on the base farm is ~3000, which would make around 2 * 2750 * 3000 = 16M per month, which could match the 50M goal.
I don't know how much money you need for waivers, but I assume you don't need 50M since you can cook/ship/craft some of them and then you buy the waiver for the rest.

If you use rain totem, you can plant like ~3.4k starfruits. Also, you can have 3 batches of starfruits instead of 2 if you use deluxe speed gro + agriculturist profession. Don't forget about pumpkin in the fall as well. Pumpkin juice/ pickle is also a big chunk of your money maker.

However, is it even possible to:
- Craft and place 3K kegs ? If not, then the profitability will sink.
It's possible to craft that many kegs but it's difficult. You need to plan it carefully: When do you start planting the acorns? How fast can you get your oak trees going? Remember, you need to chop down your mature oak trees so you get 2 acorns each and then replant it. Can you afford to buy stones for the tree fertilizers while also saving money for starfruit seeds? Can you afford to buy the materials for tappers while also buying the starfruits? And then you need tons of money to buy the woods, copper ores, and iron ores for the keg.

How much can you earn on a typical SC run ? Is it more than what is required to buy all the necessary starfruits and equipments ?
I never really calculate how much money I earn each day as I'm a casual minmaxer. For each run, I get at least 1k iridium ores but I don't remember how many explosive ammo I use each run.

Is the money enough? For me, I never had enough money to buy the starfruits so I always went with melons first batch and then partial melon+starfruit for the 2nd batch, and then full starfruits for the 3rd batch. That's why earler I said that I'm in the bottom tier among minmaxer.

I saw someone mentionning that they were trying to complete perfection run as early as summer Y1, and I also wonder how this could be possible.
I don't know what their strat is, but I suspect they're going for starfruit jelly instead of wine. My guess is they will try to craft, ship, and cook as many as possible to reduce the waiver cost as much as possible and then they will buy the waivers with the money from the jellies+iridium bars.

Closing words:
I suggest you watch this video to see how cordite got 81M by the end of year 1 in 1.5. Basically everything that I said here is the technique that I learnt from cordite's run.
It's not easy to do minmax-ing like that, but I can tell you it's quite rewarding when you see you have tens of millions of money before year 1 ends.
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