I'm gonna cut Marnie a bit of slack here because I think she is taken for granted by many of us here and in Stardew Valley itself. First off, she is hosting 2 children not her own (yes, one is grown) who need family, and Marnie is providing that out of the goodness of her heart. That gets her +10

from me, full stop.
Second, as mentioned by others, she has her own farm to run, being the only other early game primary producer in the Valley other than the Farmer. Later on, Krobus and the Dwarf become accessible and may also be primary producers, but their culture is not well explained in the game.
Third, she is also integrated into the Valley economy with her shop and while her, eh... varied accessibility is lamented by many (though not Lewis...), she is wearing many hats
And meta fourth, her relative inaccessibility is a game choice and forces us varied players to manage our weeks properly and does add to the overall gameplay, not detract from it. Obviously an IMO here but again, I see it as a relative plus. Mmmmm but a small and occasionally frustrating one.
And Fifth.
She's being chased around by an small-time, aging, local politician with
major commitment issues.
Seriously. Cut Her Some Slack.