Let’s do something fun!!!

This is Jughead. His favorite things are food & friends. Sometimes weird things happen on his farm but he just rolls with it.



Y’all a bunch of wet blankets 😆
Let's see. You posted this at 2:12am my time. This old web blanket was asleep. *laughs*

My current play through is found on my YouTube channel. Character name is Rhiannon and she's married to Harvey with two kids running around. My current goal is to be completely self-sufficient and not buy any seeds from Pierre's. It's year 4 so I think we're there. Ultimate goal is to be 100% complete. I got my farm and farmhouse design ideas from the amazing people here who posted pictures on the farm showcase forum!


Lew Zealand

^--- That's Farmer Bobbi on mobile
<--- That's Farmer Bobbi on computer

• Colored Slimes are her hairdessers so new color choices necessitate new Slime breeds.
• Befriending Caroline for Tea Sapling abuse was one of her first Farm goals. It was met quickly and the bonus was denying Daffodil gifts to Haley.
• Fishing is a means to an end. It's the only socially acceptable pastime which allows and even encourages riverside shady spot slumbering.
• She enjoys Bombing Skull Cavern but usually loses focus by mid-evening at which point the local Serpent population issues an APB that Ms. Tastyknees is vulnerable and they rush over for a nibble. More than one Autopetter has been lost this way though the result has been less peppy post-petted Pepper Rexes.
• Eventually married Haley. Joke's on everyone (including Bobbi) because Haley is a nutty spouse.
• Designs Farm maps which serve no purpose besides being Farm designs. Example: Farm 1: Ostrich Racetrack Farm, Farm 2: Flim Flam Farm. Flim Flam is the only one with...

More from the Farmer Bobbi Wiki:




11:00 AM | Target wakey-time, snooze button set for Tuesday


6:00 AM | Loll in bed all day. Grandpa didn't get the farm into his favorite state of disrepair by being proactive


5:00 PM | Get up, check to see if Pierre's open. Wow I shamble here at the crack of evening and you're closed today??? Ingrate.


9:50 AM | Crack eyes open
3:30 PM | Visit the fish in the river, they've missed me and are very hungry
3:50 PM | Bait hook like 12 times in succession
4:30 PM | Plop hook in water after 3 or 4 tries and settle back under Ms. Shady Tree and enjoy the splashing sou…
4:40 PM | Zzzzzzzzzzzz


3:00 PM | Ignore call from Abby to see the gang in the Saloon
8:50 PM | Finally head to Saloon
9:30 PM | Arrive at Saloon. What happened? I got stood up?? What's with this town?


11:20 AM | Ahhh, finally the weekend for some well-deserved rest
_4:40 PM | .....! I think I have some animals. Oh, but the Barn/Coop doors are open and the Farm is all Grass, whew!
10:10 PM | .....! Ancient Froot? Meh, it can wait until tomorrow... next week... Junimos'll get emmm.....zzzzzzzzz


9:00 AM | Wake from dreams of Junimos and Ancient Fruit
9:40 AM | Realize I (1) don't have Junimos, (2) have Ancient Froot in the Greenhouse so Junimos can't reach them, (3) Ancient Froot's been ripe since Wednesday
9:50 AM | ...the second Wednesday of Winter
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Love seeing everyone's farmer sprites!

(I am going to wuss out on posting a current screenshot because it is a headache to get images from my switch.)

My farmer is named after one of my first rabbits! (Because of course she is.) I like the current layout of the farm, so I am mostly done redesigning it for now. Therefore, my next goal is to make a haymaker infinity sword. (I can already hear people yelling at me about it. Hehe.)

Lew Zealand

Therefore, my next goal is to make a haymaker infinity sword. (I can already hear people yelling at me about it. Hehe.)
Haymaker is the highest calling of the Infinity Sword!

All these other so-called "Buffs" just encourage more combat and sword swinging and with that comes all the general effort-making and sweat-wasting that serves to ruin a perfectly fine trip on the Mines ride/Skull Cavern flume/Volcano roller coaster. But you have instead ascended to a higher plane of existence by using the Sword to reduce your daily efforts, conserve energy, reduce water waste, and enhance the lives of your fuzzy floofbutts. Minimizing those early week disappointment visits to Marnie is just the icing on the cake. More time for pettts!



Local Legend
I don't have a picture of my farmer on hand so I'll have to use words. My farmer on any farm always has either the heart shirt, or the skull shirt, with completely random hair, to emphasize his bedheadedness. It'd be nice if he could have a shirt design (not to be confused with a mask) that has a skull shaped like a heart, or maybe a heart shaped like a skull, but I work with what I got here. Meanwhile, he is obsessed with making his farm as foresty as possible, and is a major supplier and employer of Robin's wood working bizniz, who keeps his bunny sanctuary deep within his forested, but not overgrown, farm well maintained. Also, he likes to put themed fishtanks in random places. One of his favorites is catching one of each fish from the mines: Stonefish, Icepip, Ghostfish, and Lava Eel, put in a snail to help clean the algae off the walls (and because they're cute excitable little buggers, jumping out of ponds n such. Rascals.), and then plop it the foyer of his redecorated mines. He calls it the Avatar Tank.

Here's an example of what his farms generally end up looking like, if you haven't seen it already. (Totally not a shameless plug, *ahem*)