PlayStation Leo 9-heart on Night Market day Black Screen


Triggered Leo's 9-heart event on Winter 15, when Night Market is active, and after first two scenes, screen goes black and does not transition to beach scene of Leo watching Willy fish. Repeatable on 16th and 17th as well. Event plays to completion on the 18th.

In black screen, it is as though event ended because buttons do their usual things and time continues. Eventually player passes out at 2am. Meanwhile, event music continually plays even when showing your shipping earnings for the day.

Game is stuck halfway between event and regular play.

Before reaching fishing scene, can interrupt the event like normal, but at black screen it brings up the journal instead.

Noted again: Event plays fine on Winter 18, after night market ends.

No save due to PS4 and because I avoided the mountains until winter 18 to see if winter market might be related.

System: PS4
Build: v1.6.15 build 1
Language: English
Mods: none
Controls: stock PS4 controller
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