Just a few fun extra features


Hello! Let me start by saying I LOVE this game. I’m on day 21, year 4 and married with two kids in the game! There’s just a couple things that I believe would make things even better, and I hope my ideas are considered!

1. Special dialogue with family/friend NPCs

So I am married to Sam in the game and like I said we have two children, so for this I’ll be using Sam’s family for my example. I think it would be fun if after marrying an NPC, their family acknowledges you as part of the family. Some possible dialogue examples:

“Hi, (Name)! How’s Sam?!” -Vincent
“Oh, (Name)! It’s good to see you again! Has Sam been helping around the farm?” -Jodi
“Hello, (Name). I hope my son is treating you well.” -Kent

You get the idea. I believe it would be fun to do with the NPC’s closest friends, too. Example:

“Ever since you two got married, I haven’t really seen Sam. What? No, I’m not upset. Just tell him I said hi.” -Sebastian

And at events:

“It’s good to see Sam again.” -Sebastian

Or heart events, like for example, the one where Jodi asks you to come over for dinner. If you’re married to Sam, it’d be fun for him to come in with us.

“Sam, (Name)! Glad you could make it! Come in!” -Jodi

And now some example dialogue for when you have kids.

General dialogue, 1 kid:

“(Name)! How is everyone? I should come visit sometime and see my granddaughter (or son depending on gender). You wouldn’t mind, would you?” -Jodi
“I’m a grandpa now? I guess I’ve been gone longer than I thought…” -Kent
“Baby?! I wanna meet him/her!” -Vincent
“Sam is a dad now? Things really have changed… can I visit sometime?” -Sebastian


“Aww, (baby name) is so cute!” -anyone

General, 2 kids:

“Did you bring the kids over for a visit? No? That’s okay, I can always come to the farm!” -Jodi
“Hello, (name). How is everyone?” -Kent
“How are (baby name) and (other baby name) doing?! Can I come over to play?!” -Vincent
“Another one? I never knew Sam even wanted kids, and he’s my best friend… he must really love you.” -Sebastian


“Look at the babies, they’re playing together! Awww!” -Anyone

I think you get the idea. This is taking forever (sorry about that) so I’ll only add a couple more things real quick.

2. House renovation should have an option for another kid’s bedroom, that way they don’t have to share one.

3. More than one style of kid beds

4. Kids can go outside if spouse is outside as well

5. Clothes available to dress up kids

6. Kids can eventually talk to us. Quick example:

“Mommy, look what I found outside!” (Receive item)

Alright, that’s all I have. Sorry it’s so long, I’d just love to see the dev do more with the family aspect!


Local Legend
Kids feel quite abandoned in this game (development wise not in game)

While I don’t think that for stardew we need to have fully fledged growing children (it just doesn’t fit or need to fit the way stardew works), it would be really nice for better integration of the kids.

Currently they occasionally come to festivals and otherwise are basically nonexistent. I completely agree with most of your takes Tbh, they should be able to wear clothing, if I’m such great 10 heart friends with people why don’t they know anything about me/never ask about the kids, especially my direct in laws like the example you have with Jodi.

And tbh more furniture is always nice, especially when you have to have it if you have kids


That’s exactly what I mean. I don’t think they should fully grow up either, but I do feel like they could have a couple lines of dialogue just so they aren’t just running around the house doing absolutely nothing all the time. Maybe the spouse could take them to the park in town once in a while or to visit the rest of the family, too? That park literally just sits there unused and in my case Sam often goes to visit family for the day so I don’t see why he can’t take them with him? It just feels like the family aspect has so many missed opportunities, and like you said, most of the time it’s like they don’t even exist. Along with that, I found it a little weird that my character has been with Sam for almost 3 in-game years now and like you said, nobody acknowledges it except Sam himself, with the occasional “Vincent called. He says he misses me and to tell you hi.” or “Are we going to (event name) tomorrow? It’ll be nice to see everyone again.” Then at the event he’s like “The gang is just the same as always.” (Or something like that, I don’t fully remember) but then if I talk to Sebastian it’s the same dialogue he’s had since year one?

Im glad you agree with me and see my point of view. It’s a great game, just certain aspects of it like that just doesn’t really make sense.