Art im trying my best

i don't understand why but sebastian is now my go to character to draw when i'm experimenting with my artstyle, i space out with a pencil in hand and suddenly i've drawn him like 5 times.

anyways. i'm not really sure i like this style but whateverr it's finee. i mean it looks decent i don't think i'm going use it often. probably only portraits considering it took a stupidly long amount of time
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Still killin' it, and who doesn't like a good piece of Sebby art anyway 😉


hello hello ! apologies for not posting i was busy with school, had to go to a family gathering and then my mental health went down the gutter oops. anyways here a pixel penny ! it was slightly rushed because i accidentally cut my finger while carving a pringles can,, listen i had boxcutters and couldn't resist the urge leave me alone

ok bye hope the rest of your day goes well <3



hiiiiiii does anyone remember when i posted on this forum regularly? wild. i dont really have a reason for disappearinn again i‘ve just been in my lil bubble and forgot i had an account on here tbh

n e wayss i finally got procreate back after weeks of being locked of my appstore account so thats fun! heres a -not really that good- seb i drew in a couple of mins. alright i’m gonna head to bed i’m sleepy and its 4 am, good night ^_^



Local Legend
hello hello ! apologies for not posting i was busy with school, had to go to a family gathering and then my mental health went down the gutter oops. anyways here a pixel penny ! it was slightly rushed because i accidentally cut my finger while carving a pringles can,, listen i had boxcutters and couldn't resist the urge leave me alone

ok bye hope the rest of your day goes well <3

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*realizes the kids haven’t been following her for the last 20 minutes


im going to stop apologizing for being inactive but i do have a valid reason this time!! i burnt myself out because apparently trying to 100% 3 farms with one of them being on the expanded mod and the other being co-op where we’re trying to evenly spread the work between us is really overwhelming.. who would of thought?? not me that’s for sure!!!

so heres a quick abby before i disappear until i start playing again :thumbsup: hope u have a good day/night bye!!