i'm out of new ideas for shed designs, do someone have any? (my current ones in comment)


I think a nuclear waste sort of shed would be cool, but im still early(ish) game so I can't make my own. you could add like, people sampling dead plants outside of a bunker where the whole outside is brown and decaying. another idea is to make Area 51 with a bunch of aliens attacking the guards and escaping. or the backrooms. the backrooms are cool.
I think a nuclear waste sort of shed would be cool, but im still early(ish) game so I can't make my own. you could add like, people sampling dead plants outside of a bunker where the whole outside is brown and decaying. another idea is to make Area 51 with a bunch of aliens attacking the guards and escaping. or the backrooms. the backrooms are cool.
nice idea thanks for that!


A shed thats like a temple, with a sort of firery hellish vibe. Can u imagine? "Oh yeah, this is just my devil worship shed, nothing to see here"