I HATE THE PETS!!! (venting)


Local Legend
Again, you are condescending. A Minor problem. Good, great, nobody cares what you consider "minor". What is a "minor" problem for you can be a major annoyance for someone else. People are different, have different likes and dislikes. Just because something doesn't annoy you doesn't mean it doesn't upset someone else, and making them feel like their opinions don't matter and putting them down so that you can pat yourself on the back and feel important is a dick move.

First, offering advice where none was asked is a little condescending. You're implying that the person is incapable of doing it themselves.

Then there is what you say in your responses, which are absolutely condecending as ****.
It is an objectively minor problem, it impacts very few people to a small degree and causes mild annoyance at most, you are the outlier here. It is true that people like and dislike different things and can experience that to many different degrees, this is for most a very small issue if one at all. Your opinion of course matters, those points I made about it being a minor problem mostly revolved around the unlikelihood of it being changed.

Yes my responses were condescending and again I apologize for my aggressive stance.


You know what's worse than pets? Children. But none of that holds a candle to the time Penny sulked in the doorway to the house for 4 in game hours and I had to use a farm totem to get out.
It’s when the cat falls asleep in the doorway and you can’t get in - I have fallen asleep on the porch one or twice! Still, I always have a cat (this time Wen Ning, as my current farm is based on Netflix The Untamed). And yes, that is exactly like cats in real life - Underfoot is a great name…


I could never see myself without a dog IRL or in virtual life. Yes the pet gets in the way of farm work, machines, blocks doorways and all. I even had them blocking my entrance to my side of the bed. But they do that IRL too. It’s just part of it. My dog is constantly hogging my bed, underfoot when I’m doing housework or demanding attention or needs to go out when I have somewhere I had to be 20 minutes ago. But I wouldn’t trade their love and cuddles and devotion for anything in the world. :heart:


I feel your pain and anger from the frustrating Dog😤, makes me mad at times.
I don't think I'll say yes to a Dog or Cat next time as it takes way too much time to care for it and gives me no benifit.

The Horse however has a use and is only frustrating when I can't remember where I parked it 🤭.


The Horse however has a use and is only frustrating when I can't remember where I parked it 🤭.

50 Qi Gems gets you a horse flute. Toot it and the horse appears, even on GI.

Oh, and no matter what I name them, I eventually start thinking of the kids as "the Overlook twins."


Talking about pets problems, I just hate how bad pigs look in original xppp sorry for changing the topic, I just had to release my anger