Solved Golden Walnuts wasted when giving player an item on Ginger Island Farm


While playing multiplayer with my partner, we encountered a recurring glitch in the Ginger Island farm space. We had the house unlocked, but not the mailbox. I tried to hand my partner an item from my inventory, and when they clicked yes, 5 Golden Walnuts were spent and the mailbox was built. We were pretty bummed, as we were saving up for the resort. Two in-game days later, however, my partner tried to hand me a food item while on the farm space. Upon accepting it, 5 more Golden Walnuts were spent and the mailbox construction animation played. We restarted the day and moved on. We now avoid handing items to each other while on the island, but this is definitely something to look into.

In other island locations (such as the volcano), we've had no issues passing items between us like normal. It must be something about the west region of Ginger Island that messes with that pathway.

We were both playing on the MacOS version through Steam. I believe we were on 1.5.1. Light searching didn't show anyone else encountering this bug, but it was pretty upsetting and set back progress a bit. Let me know if any more detail is needed, or if we should try and recreate again. Thank you! :3


Just to be sure, neither of you are playing with any mods?
Oh hrm, that's a great consideration 😅
I believe they had SMAPI installed, with the tree transplant mod at one point. It was likely still enabled at the time, which might be a source of the bug. The mod only affects Robin's shop and the standard farm, however. I would be surprised if it were interfering with the Ginger Islands. Next time we play I'll make sure its a totally vanilla version, and see if the bug persists. Thanks for the response!


Just to be sure, neither of you are playing with any mods?
Update! It must be something with either SMAPI or the Tree Transplant mod. They uninstalled those, and the glitch is removed. I suppose you guys are off the hook then! Thanks for an amazing update :)