Ah yes. There are only three crops that yield giant crops. I'll leave it to you to find out which. I'm a wiki person. I hate trying to figure things out. I got two giant crops this spring. First time I've had that.
I plant the multiple yield things along the sides mostly, along with my mixed seeds. I grow for the purpose of making wines, jams and jellies so that kind of dictates what I'm growing more or less due to profit. I do try to grow a little of each available plant each year to increase my stash. This 5th year, I didn't have to buy any seeds for planting. I was able to use the seed maker from my stash and be self-sufficient.
I plant the multiple yield things along the sides mostly, along with my mixed seeds. I grow for the purpose of making wines, jams and jellies so that kind of dictates what I'm growing more or less due to profit. I do try to grow a little of each available plant each year to increase my stash. This 5th year, I didn't have to buy any seeds for planting. I was able to use the seed maker from my stash and be self-sufficient.