Farm editor


Yeah, maybe with a limit of what one can add, like not 100x100 tiles of quarry area, 20 regrowing stumps and all fish from the farm pond.
I don't care about overpowered stuff in the game, as i use it for relaxation (the reason i bought it, and no regrets), but i don't mind limits, either!
I'd like to make a better kind of Four Corners map, where there would be 4 regrowing stumps, probably like 6x4 quarry area and (2 options coming) if i can set fish myself, i'd add one or two fish per season, no legendaries, of course, maybe some i can use for cooking. But if i had to choose between the sets that the other maps have, i'd choose the set of Wilderness Farm.... not the enemy spawns, though :P
I'd prefer to be able to not only choose which non-legendary and special location ones fish i'd like to have in there, but also the percentage of trash, as i think farm ponds have way too much trash.... i wouldn't turn it off, though.
They would behave like they normally do, which is all at their certain times, weather and seasons.

Got carried away with the fish part, but i do think it'd be nice to choose it ourselves! :)
I'd support this suggestion the most, tbh.


Staff member
That would be a cool way to bring some customization to console players that can't use mods. Although this sort of thing can be tough to implement for controllers.