Experiencing an issue with this mod. The pride flags were available at Pierre's pop-up shop during the Lua'u but without a price, I bought the 1978 pride flag and it cost me nothing and was put in the right most slot in the hotbar. Only until the next day did I realize I could not interact with it at all, and when I hold it in my hands, it crashes my entire game. I've uninstalled the mod, and tho it got rid of the item, going to that slot still crashes my game, reinstalled and it still persists. Took off a transmasc flag I had on the wall which I bought a while ago with money, held it in my hotbar and it also crashed my game. I was testing out the Save Anywhere mod and stupidly I saved twice the next day, after I had bought the item. This bug makes this save pretty much unplayable and I really don't want to lose it, is there anything I can do about this? I have multiple other mods as well.