Question Content patcher custom tilesheet problem


hey i have just startet editing my maps in tiled. i am stuck on one problem that i would need help with

i have made a custom tilesheet that works perfectly in spring. but when i go in to winter or any other seasons my custom made tilesheet is the only one who only loads the spring verison and i dont really know how to make my custom tilesheet change naturaly when the seasons changes like the original map tiles changes. does anyone know how to do this cuz im a bit lost on this problem.

Screenshot 2024-03-30 191619.png
Screenshot 2024-03-30 191700.png


you could try using tokens to load your tileesheets

    "LogName": "ModInitials: Loads seasonal tilesheets",
    "Action": "Load",
    "Target": "maps/{{ModId}}_customTilesheet",
    "FromFile": "assets/customTilesheet_{{Season}}.png",
Hope this help