Solved Can't progress Quest "Pirate's Wife" [Windows]


Hello there o/
I've just created an account because I just don't know what to do anymore.

I accepted the above quest from Birdie, received the item "war memento" and gave it to Kent.
As with many others, Kent reacted negatively and I did not receive the follow-up item.

However, this is my first playthrough. It was only days later that I found out that I should have received an item from Kent.
So my progress has long since been saved and the quest item is therefore lost.

Via googling I found and tried the following steps:
- Check the lost and found box
(=> there was no item in it)
- Dublicated the item (successful) and then tried to alter the perimeters in the safe file, following this tutorial:
(=> I did it exactly as was instructed, also altered the second save file, checked the other perimeters just to make sure I followed the same format - but my game always ctd during the loading screen)

I have no idea what else to do, which is precisely why I am posting here.

Does anybody have another idea/solution?
Or could someone help me correct the perimeters in the save file?
(My last attempt included this: "/isSpawnedObject><questItem>true</questItem><questId>130</questItem><isOn>true</isOn><fragility>0</" but I had to add the entire "/questItem><questId>130<" line, since it was not present in the save file for this item until I added it)

As it is now, I can't progress the quest line. Since I do not know what the reward is from that I can't help but feel stuck in my progress on Ginger Island.

My game is fully vanilla. Never had any mods installed, nor do I have any other third party tools active.

Thank you all in advance for your time and help!
Sincerely, a noobie


Fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9, which...
  • ensures that NPCs always treat those items as part of the quest (so they'll never treat it as a regular gift);
  • will give you a new War Memento when loading the save, if you have the quest active but don't have any of the required items.
Thanks for reporting it!