iOS Can’t rearrange the bottom of the museum due to menu covering the artefacts IOS iPad


I am unable to touch or move any of the artefacts on the bottom row because the menu bar is too big and covers them, i don’t know if I can change the size or anything as I want to organise my museum. Please could someone help!



From what I can see, this has been an issue for a few years. I was hoping there would be a way to fix it by now, it has been bothering me


It’s a mobile bug. It hasn’t been fixed yet. There are a lot of bugs on mobile that haven’t been fixed. They may not see all the help requests cause there are s many mobile ones to work on, literally not have time to fix them all so they choose the biggest ones first, or not be able to or know as of yet how to fix them. It’s not their fault. He could have given up on mobile all together after it changed hands back to CA, after a long issue with former hands who made a mess of things, but CA was dedicated to trying to salvage it and even update it to 1.5. Yes there are a lot of bugs but most all of them are minor annoyances and except for crashing between daily saves on quick mobile mid day saves, there really isn’t anything keeping it from flowing quite smoothly, just little things that are annoying but don’t really affect play through, just cosmetics. All games have these, even the biggest mobile games with tons of people working on them. CA is flying solo and doing a remarkable job. Mobile was not his original platform, but he’s trying his absolute best to make it work on a level equal to his original on pc.


Have you tried going to the settings menu and selecting "Vertical Toolbar?" That might get it out of your way.


Have you tried going to the settings menu and selecting "Vertical Toolbar?" That might get it out of your way.
It opens the full inventory with three rows. It’s not affected by any of the options in the menu about sizing or position.

I think it is dependent on the screen size or proportions, I have no issues with this on an iPhone SE.


Local Legend
I believe it's possible to reach some additional spots by scrolling the screen as far to one side as possible and just reaching them from the side of the inventory