CA and Stardew Forums: I’m disappointed.


I just wanted to add, I play on console, and I feel like waiting a bit isn't that big of a deal. If you are really invested in the game, you shouldn't be complaining about a new update that just adds some new things. Enjoy the old stuff before it is changed. It's probably not that long before the update comes out, and I feel that removing SDV from console and mobile is not the solution. Lots of people may have a console or mobile but not a PC, so having those allows them to experience the game as well. If you would rather ruin that for thousands of people than wait a couple of weeks or months for the update, maybe don't play the game anymore. Like @Taluwen said, you can't expect everyone to cater to you just because YOU don't like that you have to wait. I have to wait, and others have to wait too, but most people don't complain. We are optimistic and I for one enjoy talking abt 1.6 with others, because I enjoy interacting with the other people on this platform. Not having the newest update is not going to ruin that for me.
I do agree with this point.

I play both on console (PS4) and PC, so I understand the struggle of waiting for those updates to be ported over. And I understand the struggle of spoilers, those will always happen no matter where you are (aside from the organic findings I did on my own everything else I learned through TikTok because I follow a lot of SDV creators on there and the update is all they're talking about right now). Any updates to a game, especially this one, will dominate discussion at least for the next couple months or so within that fandom space regardless of what an individual may want. Plus, the PC version is also there to test out bugs/errors and get them fixed before the update gets mass released to other systems/consoles. And from what I'm seeing others say, CA doesn't even really control the ports so it's not really his fault they're taking so long to begin with (lots of legal stuff - on PC there is more freedom but if you want it on other platforms you gotta play by the rules set up by that company/owner).

I understand having disabilities suck (I have my own to deal with), but @ArtifactSpot is pointing their anger in the wrong direction. They should be mad at the ones actually porting it, not the creator who honestly is trying his best with what he has already. Yes, it sucks having to wait and feel like you're being left out of the conversation. But I still enjoy playing 1.5 on my console, while also playing the 1.6 update on PC. And I honestly hope they find a solution to their issues with this, I did see someone suggest making a 1.5 thread just to keep out 1.6 stuff (honestly an amazing idea) but even if that doesn't work I hope that when they come back they have a better experience.


Local Legend
But mobile is SO different, the wait is SO much longer, and it’s all I can do. A touch screen.
It was long for 1.5 and that was a fluke as said before, this time it hasn’t yet been a month, give it time, it’s a completely free update for no cost, enjoy the particularities if 1.5.
On another thread I saw you complaining about tea saplings being nerfed in 1.6, why not enjoy those in 1.5? Maybe make some new saves and play spring and summer making cash with the tea saplings you say you rely on so you have a bunch of saves for future play where you don’t have to worry about money?


Local Legend
Maybe make some new saves and play spring and summer making cash with the tea saplings you say you rely on so you have a bunch of saves for future play where you don’t have to worry about money?
That is a great idea! I also strongly suggest that you go and pet your digital bunny rabbits. This never fails to make me feel better. Please try it!

Seriously speaking though, I hope you can try to focus on positive aspects. I am sure we all want you to have fun. Do you know how to share screenshots from your farm? Why not show us what you've been doing?


I understand your frustration. The game is awesome! I hadn't played it for a year before 1.6 came out. I love the game but for me, I used to play it a lot and got burned out. Maybe you did too, on top of waiting for the console and mobile update. Try taking a break, it will make the game more enjoyable when you come back, it did for me. As people mentioned it before, CA is doing everything that he can to roll it out as soon as possible, so who knows, maybe he is very close and perhaps is keeping it a secret. I hope that you can be a little bit more patient and give CA more time, and prepare to enjoy the game soon on your mobile


But I’m mobile the wait is much much much longer for us. Like we don’t exist. We don’t get bug patches either. It’s just like quit offering something you can’t keep up with. CA admitted that HC won’t be on mobile cause it’s too much to deal with too many hoops and legal things to go through. Why not just cut ties with Stardew at 1.5 for us Miele and not drag us a long for the ride. And what you and a couple others keep ignoring it’s even different when you have disabilities that prevent other platforms. It’s hard. I can’t even travel 40 mins without the most severe pain. I can’t go anywhere or do anything or visit my family but once every now and then. I’ll never travel again I can’t sit in a wheelchair even to go places. I have a severe pelvic disorder. I have to lay in bed most all the day. I can barely care for myself most days, many i can’t. I’ve been going downhill since 33. Stardew has been a peaceful quaint relaxing outlet for me that I don’t have to spend a fortune on it was $5 US dollars once. Sorry for complaining some but until you walk the walk you can’t talk the talk. I know of one other individual here who does get it, a few others don’t but are kind anyways cause they have compassion and sympathy. There have been a lot of very rude, unkind people here, especially since they returned for the update. It’s just getting toxic here. But I miss the good times I had for the few months I had it. I don’t get to socialize but online or on the phone. It’s just so different than you and others portray me to be.
What we're trying to explain is he's not ignoring you at all. Mobile is a lot harder because of the hoops you gotta jump through to get stuff patched with the various companies and published, plus the coding is much different and you have to make sure it works for a multitude of devices, versions, etc. He's not just dragging you along on a leash. It will get done. Just need to be patient. This is nothing to do with disabilities (ignoring or otherwise as I too have disabilities, though mine are more mental than physical. Hubby has physical disabilities). This is us trying to explain to you why it is taking as long as it is. This is why I was linking the article to give you an idea of what CA has to go through to get it to you.

Complaining is alright. The frustration is valid. However, you also need to see it from the other perspective too and understand why something is taking that long. He's not doing it on purpose. The fact you keep saying "He's dragging us along. He's not gonna do it. He should just cut ties." is what is riling people up a bit cause that's simply not true and not really fair towards him. @SoftViceMaster as the right of it, imho. The anger is being pointed in the wrong direction. CA is not the one the annoyance should be targetted at.

@FilthyGorilla has a great idea by just making new farms. I have like 10 of them myself and I try out different things. One is purely ranching, one is more artisan, one is a mix, one is purely for truffles with the piggies. Run out of that? Then look up farm layouts, see if you wanna try one out for decoration purposes. There's a lot of positive, fun things you can do without 1.6 or even mods.

That's fair. I give you a like. At least it's a try at a solution. Unfortunately, the solution is, and forgive the drama, but get used to conversations about parts of the game one is not able to participate in, or just go. Find someplace else. That stings, you know?

No doubt in my mind that you mean that. But, will it happen anyway? Like organically, you know? Anyway, I honestly believe it can't be helped. I've come to terms with it. I'm gonna keep playing the game, likely keeping an eye on the forums. Maybe. It's no one's fault. I understand the frustrations of others and it seems like you do too, so good start, yeah?
Definitely! Also try the suggestions I spoke of above. It should help and give something to do while waiting.

Some will, sure. Hype doesn't last forever, but no doubt others will still wanna hear you be happy about experiencing something new. There should be threads for 1.5 only, I'd hope. Maybe even one for just mobile and console players? If not, those should be made and I fully encourage it! Not to like...separate from the rest of the community, but just to have a space in the meantime, yanno? I hope I'm making some sort of sense.
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