Bus - timetable and passengers/tourists

Pam always stands only beside the bus and the player is the only passenger for the bus. That looks a bit strange.

I suggest to have a timetable with one or two tours. For example 9-11 o'clock Pam waits beside the bus in Pelican Town, then bus tour, 12-14 she waits in the oases, then bus tour back, 15-17 again in PT, 17-19(?) again in the oasis (maybe she waits there open ended like the way it is now).
Also it would be nice to have another passenger from time to time jumping off the bus. I would like to see tourists visiting PT - like at the Stardew Valley Fair but without event. Maybe the tourist could act similar the Traveling Cart and offer/buy some (seldom) stuff or just tells a nice story... Actually I would like to see some friends of the villagers visiting them. Maybe a comrade of Kent!?

BTW: if there is an event in PT Pam still goes to the bus nevertheless. Maybe its not a bug but it also seems strange.

Sidenote: Maybe the train could stop in town and bring a tourist randomly too. See also... thread: restoration-and-renovation-of-the-railway-station

Edit: ...this could also be a possibility for the ferry.
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Remember Emily uses the bus too. She visits Sandy on her her birthday. So it wouldn't be so far fetched to see others use it. I can see you running into lewis especially in the casino. He could make excuses about not spending the town money (bonus points if he is wearing the clothing therapy pimp outfit)


Local Legend
Yes, exactly the same as in reality! ;-)
BTW: the other offices/stores have closure times/days too.
True, but so does the bus already. Typically, the bus would be going back and forth constantly all day long. How it appears to us is that it is always at the location we are at currently. If you warp totem out to the desert, you can take the bus home. But if you warp totem home, the bus is there, not out in the desert.

I mean, I get it. It's an immersion thing. To me, though, this should be a suspension of disbelief thing. Otherwise you couldn't get home without a warp totem (or something like) after 5pm when in the desert. That's when Pam gets off work.
Otherwise you couldn't get home without a warp totem (or something like) after 5pm when in the desert. That's when Pam gets off work.
...it would also be possible to make a story out of it: having 2 or more hearts at Sandy she gives you a bed at hers, otherwise you pay for being late. Something like that.
The easy way would be to leave the (last) tour home like it is now and Pam waits for you.
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Remembering that there's no one waiting outside the bus when in the desert, it might be different bus with different driver.
Remembering that there's no one waiting outside the bus when in the desert, it might be different bus with different driver.
That would be the farmer driving the bus home. If thats the case we may have commited grand theft auto

Side note just imagin if Trevor moved to Pelican town from San Andreas.
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