Windows [BUG] Window moves down by itself.


I have two monitors, a 1080p one at 125% scaling and a 768p at 100%.
The 768p display is set as the main monitor.

Running the game on the 768p monitor has no issues.
However, running the game on windowed mode on the 1080p monitor has the window move down as if it had gravity.
Out of curiosity, I tried running it on 175% scaling and the speed at which the window moved increased.

I tried running with and without mods but the issue remains.

The only solutions I found were to set the scaling to 100%, or to change the high dpi settings on the game/exe's properties.

Game Version: v1.5.6 Hotfix #3 (
SHA1: 26D354D1EDBCBD9C2A4FF77B5798B7000A389319