Android [BUG] Treasure chests drop double if you cancel because backpack is full


Android app v1.4.5.145

If you encounter a treasure chest in the mines and your backpack is full, you are presented with an inventory view to give you a chance to trash an item to replace it with the chest loot.
However, if you cancel out of this screen, the chest loot item will become a dropped item on the floor.


I've noticed that the dropped chest loot item is currently being duplicated when you follow that path. You are then able to pick up both copies of that item.



My screenshots are from level 110 of the mines, but I did see this occur on previous chest levels as well (I have a couple extra slingshots and swords to show for it.)

I swapped to my previous save and verified that if my backpack was not full when I opened the chest I only received one copy of the item.

I also verified that if I did NOT cancel the original inventory view when my backpack was full, trashed one or more items and then dragged the chest loot into my inventory I only received one copy of the chest loot (even if I made multiple spaces available).

I'm wondering if this might be slightly related to the PC bug with storage chests that can duplicate items?

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information!