Solved [BUG] The pirates Wife Quest "Wrong Person" error [PC]

I'm having this issue with Gus as well. My game is updated and I play with mods, but I have also tried to complete the quest without mods, and the same thing happened; "Wrong person". I do have the quest The Pirate's Wife, "Find a keepsake that belonged to Birdie's husband." Hope my save file can help in some way! Thank you for always working hard to fix bugs like this.



Hello! I am also having this error but not with Gus. Everything worked fine until I tried to give the Arctic Shard to the Wizard and it keeps saying "wrong person". I am also using mods.



Okay I managed to fix my bug somehow. I verified the game files on steam, it did download something but I don't think that was the issue. I also had a mod that expanded the Wizard's dialogue, I temporarily removed that from my mods folder and it allowed me to progress.

Actually I ran into the error again with the next item, the worm, it absolutely was the dialogue expansion mods that were blocking my progress. Temporarily removing them from my mods folder solved my problem.

Sorry for posting with mods here instead of in mods support! I actually got to this thread by google searching my bug directly instead of navigating through the forums. Just wanted to post my solution here as well in case that helps anyone who finds this in the future.
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Staff member
Sorry for posting with mods here instead of in mods support! I actually got to this thread by google searching my bug directly instead of navigating through the forums. Just wanted to post my solution here as well in case that helps anyone who finds this in the future.
You're fine! I'm glad your shared your solution. While this section of the forums is just for unmodded game issues, it's good to add to the existing discussion when sharing a solution. My reason for suggesting posting in the Mod Support section was for people who are playing with mods and hadn't found a solution yet. Hopefully your solution will work for others as well!


i had the same problem (Gus saying "wrong person" when handing him the tomato salt)
the problem was that i apparently canceled my "pirates wife" quest. (i think this quest should not be cancelable)
i solved the problem for me by copying the quest in the save game data from another player who still had the quest.
If you have the time can you direct me to how I can do this myself? Sorry if it's a lot of effort, but I really want to finish this quest.


Hi! I've joined specifically to confirm the case with mods because I also had to google this. In my case, I'm using a few mods that modify the dialogue for Gus, Wizard, Willy and make them romanceable characters. One of the mods, "[CP] looking for love" also modifies Sandy.

So basically, what needs to be done is to delete any mod that changes the dialogues of vanilla characters involved in the quest. Any CP mod can be just temporarily moved, but for xnb mods that directly replace original game files, really to just delete them and verify the integrity of the files via steam - all vanilla files replaced with any xnb will be back. In my case, there were 14 that had to be reacquired. After those characters are restored to vanilla lines, the quest completes without a single error.

PS I'm posting here because this is the thread that pops up when I google the issue. I figure adding more info for other players who may be having these issues won't do any harm :) Good luck!

PS 2 I guess this means completing this quest might be impossible if married to the wizard on a modded game
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Could anyone here who is experiencing this problem, attach their save file here? You can find it in %appdata%/StardewValley/Saves , look for the folder with your farmer name (or farm name), and zip the whole folder.

Or, could you check your journal and verify whether the "The Pirate's Wife" quest exists there or not?
i'd really appreciate some help :') i'm worried i'm softlocked out of perfection now since Birdie won't give me the fairy dust recipe



Hi, I have the same issue when trying to gift Kent the War Memento. The quest doesn't show up in my menu. The save has been played on multiplayer but I'm not sure what happened. Could you help me fix the file please?



Still facing this issue, even now. Thank you for helping everyone.

Currently in Year 3 Winter. Can't get anywhere past Kent because the game refuses to let me give the memento to him.



can someone help me? when I give the gourmet tomato salt to Gus, he says "This is absolute junk! I'm offended."
I deleted SMAPI already and still facing the same issue :(


The issue where an NPC treats one of the quest items as a gift (or shows a "Wrong Person" message) is fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9, which...
  • ensures that NPCs always treat those items as part of the quest (so they'll never treat it as a regular gift);
  • will give you a new War Memento when loading the save, if you have the quest active but don't have any of the required items.
Thanks for reporting it!