PC [Bug] Multiplayer host frequent crashes


Hi all!

I recently started playing SDV multiplayer, and often the host will completely freeze, and player 2 gets a message that the connection was lost. I’ve observed this multiple times, so here are the circumstances and versions of each attempt. I’m not 100% sure I have the versions correct, but I believe these are the right ones. Note that toward the end I suspected that our radically different time zones might have been a potential factor, but ultimately that fix didn’t seem to work either:

1. Windows 10 client to Windows 10 host - 1.5.1 Worked, played through several in-game days without issue
2. Windows 10 client to Mac host - 1.5.1 Worked, played through several in-game days without issue
3. Windows 10 client to Mac host - 1.5.2 immediate server crash on connect (occurred about 4 times, then we gave up)
4. Windows 10 client to Mac host -1.5.3 Worked until P2 entered the shop, then server crash
5. Windows 10 client to Mac host -1.5.4 immediate crash on connect
6, Windows 10 client to Windows 10 host -1.5.4 immediate crash on connect
7. (Changed host timezone (GMT-5) to match client time zone (GMT+9)
Windows 10 client to Mac host -1.5.4 Worked for 1 in-game day, but crashed after end of in-game day 2

Is this a known issue? Any other troubleshooting steps you’d recommend? Thanks!


Staff member
An error log (or logs) would be helpful in figuring out the issue, but these will only be generated on the host's device. It would be great if you could get an error log though! (Crashes don't always produce an error log, so you may not see any in the folder).
  • On Windows, press the windows key + R and enter %appdata%/stardewvalley/errorlogs.
  • On Mac, from your desktop click Go in the menubar (in the top right), then "Go to folder..." at the bottom of that menu. Enter ~/.config/StardewValley/ErrorLogs/.
If you have SMAPI installed, the best way to share a log is via https://smapi.io/log. Thanks!


Thanks for the response! Sadly, it would appear whatever this crash was, it doesn't create error logs on Mac. I suspect this may be because Stardew only hangs, and doesn't crash outright. (Ultimately, I have to force-close the process to exit.)

After more tests, I've found that this issue doesn't seem to typically occur on Windows (Since my original posting, I've played several long multiplayer sessions on my Windows host without an issue), so it may be unique to Mac. Also, on I'm on an M1 Macbook Air, so I wonder if the architecture could be related.

Here is the full contents of my .config folder:

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Hi, I believe I'm having the exact same problem when trying to play multiplayer, where the host is on M1 Mac. The first time we managed to play for one session perfectly fine with no freezes, but the next day I couldn't join the host's game at all without the host immediately freezing. Did you manage to figure out if there's a fix?


Nope, seems that it's just broken on M1 Mac -- a few other people reported similar issues in another thread, but sadly there's no solution. I'm hoping that they release a fix eventually!
I found a post recently about M1 users joining a different way and managing to get the freezing under control, hopefully it helps (it is in the comments of this post):, though it might be too old to be relevant anymore (if so please disregard):

Another M1 user: Update: just tried asking my friend to not join by invite but through the co-op menu, it works really well! We were able to play for 9 in-game days straight with no freezes. Thank you so much for letting me know!
They also quoted (a month ago) a recent patch that supposedly fixed it (at least for back then). I hope you're able to get it working again soon. 🍀🤞
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