PC [BUG] Mailbox is glitched


Local co op, I passed out one night and got a mailbox notification in the morning, I am able to read it but unable to accept the mail and it remains in my mailbox. I am using a handful of mods one is the mail framework. I am able to accept mail from all modded sources, but everything vanilla is stuck behind this mail. I know this because my local co op parnter ( not host ) was able to accept hers somehow and got floodeeld with like 10 vanilla messages. Can someone please help e with this? Im afraid of not being able to progress, I have yet to get through year 1.
Honestly it sounds like this is just a problem with a mod, I don't know if there's anything you can do to try and fix it other than removing the mod.


The same issue happened to me because of a mod, even though I deleted the mod, it still didn't go away.


Local Legend
Whether or not you are currently using a mod, if your save was glitched because of a mod you shouldn't be posting in this section of the forum. Not to badger, but it has "non-modded" in its name for a reason. Honestly and sincerely, the Mod Support section is what you're looking for because a fair number of the people that frequent that section don't venture out of it... and those people are the ones that can help you best.