PC [BUG] Furniture disappears during first house upgrade


On PC, in the 1.5 update, I bought the telephone and put it in the tile on the right of the fireplace in my house (Four Corners map). After the first house upgrade, there was a plant in the tile immediately to the right, and the phone is gone. I assume that the plant overwrote it, but I also had a chest and seedmaker closeby to that area that are still there.

While I'm sure we could simply tag all the unsafe tiles during the upgrades, especially the first drastic one, a more elegant solution may be putting displaced items in a chest or box that disappears, similar to the initial parsnip seeds. That may be the only tile that was unsafe, and I was seriously unlucky!
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I'm also experiencing this issue. It's happened twice with both house upgrades. Each item was in the lower part of the bedroom. The first upgrade I did in 1.5.1 the second was in 1.5.2. No chests have appeared anywhere on the farm, nor are the items in already existing chests.


It happened to me as well. During the second house upgrade a chest and a furnace vanished. My chest also stood right of the fireplace(which I put in the bedroom) and the furnace next to it. There are empty spaces there now, no other furnature that could have replaced them. I'm at Version 1.5.2