Windows [BUG] Completely locked when using The Shrine of Illusions


I got stuck in this screen while going to use The Shrine of Illusions for the first time in this save file. The "OK" button appears grayed out, and I'm unable to press it, I'm also unable to input anything with my keyboard, but I have access to all the character changing options as normal. I didn't see any way to leave this screen, so I force shut the game (really sad, it was 10pm in game and I had done soo much :heartrip: ). After resetting the game I ran to the wizard and test if it was a reoccurring bug, yes, I got stuck again in the screen described above and had to force shut the game, tried it multiple times in different days. Searching,

I found another post claiming the same problem, so I'm posting again to bring a light to this bug and providing a screenshot of how it looks. (The post in question:

May :yoba: Yoba :yoba: help this post find its way to be fixed in the future, so it doesn't happen to many others in the future.
