Solved Bug - Chest disappeared on town square


Hi I'd like to report a bug, or get information about a know issue.
I've encountered the following bug on the mobile version of the game android version
I had placed a Chest under the garbage bin next to the Saloon. I've placed some items in there to gift to people.
I think 1 or 2 nights passed where I have not interacted with the chest, on the next day I wanted to drop another item in the chest, only to find out that it had disappeared. With all the items along with it.
Are there any restrictions on placing chests in the town square? I have not yet had any issues of this kind in other places like the mine caves or the bus stop or the beach. Maybe it was the placing of the chest, right under the garbage bin. I will try to place another chest on the town square in a different spot and see if that disappears as well.

Thanks in advance.


That's because NPC's are walking through them.
Take a look at this URL ^
And look under the section "Chests outside the farm".