PC [BUG] after small update today game keeps crashing


I play on a Mac, and hadn't experienced any issues after the recent 1.5.5 update. I saw there was another update a few minutes ago (as of 7:50 pm Dec 7) and downloaded it. I have since tried to play three times and had the game unexpectedly quit each time. It does not seem to be triggered by a specific event, as each time it quit I was either doing something different or hadn't even selected my farm yet. I opened the game for a fourth time to procure an error report for this post and was able to play for about an in-game hour longer than I had the other three times before it quit without warning.

Please let me know if I can provide more information, hope this gets resolved soon!

EDIT: Spacewar showed up in my games a few minutes ago. Didn't know what this meant, but apparently indicates steam_appid.txt was not removed ? May or may not be relevant.

EDIT #2: Lots of people on twitter are experiencing the same thing. It appears to be associated with either picking something up or interacting with an animal/object.

EDIT: user dmankh pointed out that switching to compatibility mode might help, as suggested by Concerned Ape here: I did so and the game is functioning great for me, for now. Will be on this mode to get my fix of the game until the main version is fixed.


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Since the hotfix seems to have focused on gamepad issues for Mac, I would like to note that I use my arrow keys rather than WASD to navigate.


I've had four crashes on my Mac since the hot fix that came out this evening on Steam. This is the first time I think I've ever had outright crashes in Stardew Valley. I play pretty much every day, and this is definitely new with the hot fix.


same but on Windows. about 60 seconds into playing, the game crashes
I'd also like to say i only have the vanilla game. No mods or 3rd party clients or anything of that sort.
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my steam just updated steam works. gonna try again but not hopeful. i'm not good at pc jargon so pardon me if I sound like an idiot.
ya same story. every time i go to eat or iteract with an item in my hands, it crashes.