Yes! See this thread.
Spreadsheet collaboration - Let's do it, people! And I contributed that sheet. Just get editing privileges and fix it. Also, yes! Contribute sheets. Peer review rocks!
I am a non-drinker. I am a Mormon. So I ate my Hops the first couple of times around. It's great energy. Scratch that; it's great stuff, because it costs nearly nothing and it repeats
every day. The factual truth is Pale Ale has the game's highest profit per square per month except Peach/Pomegranate if you infill around them with other things once mature. The limiting factor to Pale Ale is Kegs and daily harvesting. Of course the limiting factors to fruit trees are lead time and spacing. The spreadsheet I linked is oriented toward the greenhouse, and the Big Three crops I list there are all very lucrative in the long run. Things like Pumpkin (a little less than half the gross of Starfruit, the laggard among the big three) aren't too shabby either, but they aren't the Big Three.