Windows Barbed hook at the traveling cart bugged and let me keep buying it after it was sold out.


I hope I'm doing this correctly?

Windows version of Stardew Valley on Steam, not sure what version but I'm pretty sure I'm up to date. Single player.

The traveling cart in the woods had a barbed hook for sale, a single barbed hook, had the number one on it. I bought the barbed hook and the one changed to a zero and it let me keep buying barbed hooks infinitely for 2Kg each. I had bought three before realising it wasn't supposed to do that. I bought other items from the cart and once they reached zero they disappeared like they were supposed to,you can't buy them any more. But the hook stayed. I closed the shop window, then opened it again and the barbed hook was there again, with one. And everything else I had bought was gone like it was supposed to be. So I bought the hook again to test it, then it went down to zero, and I bought it again and that was when it went away. So, I got about five barbed hooks when I was only supposed to be able to get one. So I assume that a bug because it doesn't usually do that. If it matters for anything it was in winter, second year, traveling cart, specifically the barbed hook, it didn't happen with any other items in the same store, single player stardew valley on the PC, windows on the PC, I'm pretty sure my version of the game is the most recent but I can't figure out how to check what version I'm in, but I'm pretty sure it auto updates on my computer. There should be an attached image of the barbed hook at zero but still in stock, sorry for the poor photo quality I had to take a photo of my computer screen with my phone. I think that's all the information I have? And I think this is the right place to post this? Sorry if I messed up somewhere. Also, it says I need a tag to post it, I don't know what that means so I'm going to guess, I'm really sorry if I get it wrong, I don't understand what it means

