Are you practicing self-care? What have you changed in your routines?


Thank you! That's more than enough for someone who is learning to grow Aloe. I'm sure I can figure out the rest/research as time goes on -- I just wanted a bit of an opinion from someone who has currently had experience with growing them. ♥
I mentioned in some replies before -- but I'm learning how to do new things every few days, something to keep me occupied and feeling not so trapped. ^^;
Nice, I hope your Aloe grows well! I'm glad your keeping yourself occupied, any little thing we can do helps.


I have a problem with lots of racing thoughts and emotions fluctuating. My therapist suggested I try and be more mindful of what I'm feeling so I've started drawing little doodles of my emotions which has also kind of evolved into some diary comic stuff, which has been a little helpful. I've also been trying to ride my bike a few days a week and trying to cook an new meal once a week. Also trying to not be as hard on myself for playing "too many video games," that's a self care that seems to be really helpful in these tough times.
Potatoe I also won't go into detail with my issues but
i am trying to take more showers and brush my teeth more often. :cry: a lot of simple things like that have fallen by the wayside over time, but admittedly i don't think quarantine really had much to do with it

i'm trying to be less hard on myself for not being "productive" every single day. i'm at that point in my life where there's lots of things i can do in a day, and "sit down and play game" is sometimes on the top of that list. it's hard to not feel guilty about it but i'll get better at dividing my time and having a day off once in a while

when i'm feeling very stressed out or depressed, i've opted to write poems, even if they're small or unpolished. it's helped me regulate my emotions a bit and you make something that might actually be pretty cool in the process :laugh: i'm getting better at, you know, this whole social media culture we live in now, everything you make you feel like you have to share it. so i'm getting better at just keeping some stuff to myself, and adding value to it without needing to show it to others
Small steps is still worht something! Having a good oral hygiene is still a great way to get out of depression or anything negative.
Also being lazy for a few can do it wonders too, just sit and relax and take the day in, figure things out and let your mind free of things that are stressing you out! Read a book, play a game that's relaxing or even meditating. :)

ooo I would love to read your poems. :D


i am trying to take more showers and brush my teeth more often. :cry: a lot of simple things like that have fallen by the wayside over time, but admittedly i don't think quarantine really had much to do with it

i'm trying to be less hard on myself for not being "productive" every single day. i'm at that point in my life where there's lots of things i can do in a day, and "sit down and play game" is sometimes on the top of that list. it's hard to not feel guilty about it but i'll get better at dividing my time and having a day off once in a while

when i'm feeling very stressed out or depressed, i've opted to write poems, even if they're small or unpolished. it's helped me regulate my emotions a bit and you make something that might actually be pretty cool in the process :laugh: i'm getting better at, you know, this whole social media culture we live in now, everything you make you feel like you have to share it. so i'm getting better at just keeping some stuff to myself, and adding value to it without needing to show it to others
I've always struggled with not feeling productive enough. It's also hard with whole world in quarantine as I'm sure we're all trying to figure out what it looks like to productive right now. It's nice your doing poetry for yourself. Keep your chin up, we'll all get it figured out in time.


Nice, I hope your Aloe grows well! I'm glad your keeping yourself occupied, any little thing we can do helps.
Thank you, I'm hoping so as well. :> Had the boyfriend check on it for me today -- since I've not been feeling well lately due to the heat here & allergies. ^^;
I try my best, because when I "simmer" too long in my own head/doing nothing, I start feeling really horrible and stuff like that.
Someone close to me did mail me a lot of new art supplies -- including colouring books!


Thank you, I'm hoping so as well. :> Had the boyfriend check on it for me today -- since I've not been feeling well lately due to the heat here & allergies. ^^;
I try my best, because when I "simmer" too long in my own head/doing nothing, I start feeling really horrible and stuff like that.
Someone close to me did mail me a lot of new art supplies -- including colouring books!
Ew, I have allergies too and I had to go to the doctors for medicine because we thought I had the Virus at first last month.
It got so bad that it was hard to breate.

Ah that was nice of them!


Ew, I have allergies too and I had to go to the doctors for medicine because we thought I had the Virus at first last month.
It got so bad that it was hard to breate.

Ah that was nice of them!
I had the virus I believe... a bit before it became a big thing -- actually. ^^;
I'm high-risk, and have a lot of health problems -- so it was a tough battle. It was some months back, but I'm doing better now.

When my doctor and the hospital reviewed over what I was so sick with and in for, they made the semi decision that it was most likely COVID -- it was the sickest I have felt in my entire life, even with my ailments -- and it lasted longer than a common cold or flu, and it was just horrible! Nothing helped much, but I eventually got better, thankfully.

I'm glad you're safe and it's just allergies -- as annoying as they are, I'm just glad we both are just suffering from allergies. It's a scary time to feel sick, and it's hard to not overthink.


I had the virus I believe... a bit before it became a big thing -- actually. ^^;
I'm high-risk, and have a lot of health problems -- so it was a tough battle. It was some months back, but I'm doing better now.

When my doctor and the hospital reviewed over what I was so sick with and in for, they made the semi decision that it was most likely COVID -- it was the sickest I have felt in my entire life, even with my ailments -- and it lasted longer than a common cold or flu, and it was just horrible! Nothing helped much, but I eventually got better, thankfully.

I'm glad you're safe and it's just allergies -- as annoying as they are, I'm just glad we both are just suffering from allergies. It's a scary time to feel sick, and it's hard to not overthink.
I'm glad both you and @Journi are feeling better, I hope everyone stays safe


It's scary, and my grandma and I were having a conversation, and she these time will blow over and everythign will turn back to normal. It happened back 100 years go with other pandemics and this one is just the same.
We'll get through it.


and this one is just the same.
Some people aren't that positive. I don't want to be a fearmonger, but watch this guy's video. He seems to know pretty well what he's talking about and it was quite eye-opening to me. It's from the end of March, so a lot is probably not even news anymore to people.

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It's scary, and my grandma and I were having a conversation, and she these time will blow over and everythign will turn back to normal. It happened back 100 years go with other pandemics and this one is just the same.
We'll get through it.
I really hope things don't go back to normal as we knew it back then. With so many office workers happily set up to work from home this is the perfect time to make a big change in out lives to help reduce carbon emissions, office space and more.


I really hope things don't go back to normal as we knew it back then. With so many office workers happily set up to work from home this is the perfect time to make a big change in out lives to help reduce carbon emissions, office space and more.
I agree about that, I think she meant with no one being scared too interact with friends and school opening up.


I am trying to eat healthier, and less, cause I do eat a lot haha.
Other then that, I am doing a face care routine, cleaning, moisture, etc. I live in Brasil, and my city is in quarantine for a month and a half now, probably will continue until june. I am just trying to be more hopefull also, not watching the news make it a little better.
And I am going to try and drink more tea, I love it, just dont make very often, and the huge amount fo coffee I have been drinking cant be doing any good lol.


I had to look up oil
What the titles says.

I have changed my dental routine, I have decided to oil pull before I eat and it feels really good when I brush afterwards. :)

THere are other things I changed like: I started to meditate and I feel calmer. :)
I just really hope these changes will stick around when everything gets back to normal.
I had to look up oil pulling. Seems interesting! Meditation before bed has really helped with my insomnia.


I brush my hair more. That is so small but I love it. It reminds me of when my mom brushed my hair as a kid. I call my family more. We all have time after all.


Eh, not gonna lie some days are better than others. Working again has helped a ton cuz I was super depressed not having anything to do.

I've cooked so much more in quarantine and it never fails to cheer me up lol.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Just wanted to say I'm really glad you're feeling better @Ennoshima , while none of us should treat this as the end of the world, we should take the virus seriously too especially because there are some people who can't fight it well-- I'm sure it was tough but I'm glad you pulled through! Some places are starting to return to work, but I hope we won't forget to just be careful and health conscious with others


Just wanted to say I'm really glad you're feeling better @Ennoshima , while none of us should treat this as the end of the world, we should take the virus seriously too especially because there are some people who can't fight it well-- I'm sure it was tough but I'm glad you pulled through! Some places are starting to return to work, but I hope we won't forget to just be careful and health conscious with others
Thank you. ♥
It's still a bit overwhelming here -- things are starting to open up where I live, but not everyone is following protocol still.
I just spent most of today disinfecting stuff that either come with me when I need to go out -- and just around the house. ^^;


Before everything closed down here (I'm the western part of the state of Oregon in the US), I was about 2 months into a new job, which was really awesome, because my old one sucked. I was getting settled in, actually exercising a little every day because 10 minutes of my commute each way was on foot, etc. Annnnd then it all stopped and I'm lucky because I can work from home, as can my husband, but we're also juggling our kids at the same time. So it has been interesting trying to balance everyone's schedules--4 of the 5 members of the household have regular class or work meetings online--stay on top of my work, and deal with kids who really miss their friends. On the upside, I've been able to cut out the commute to work, which lets me start a little earlier and stop a little earlier, plus the job change left me with weekends completely off (my old employer required me to work a few hours on Saturdays), so it has been easier to get out in the garden and get the plants in (and to dig more vegetable beds! We have an entire 8 foot by 12 foot area devoted to corn this year! The grass in the yard is gradually disappearing under veggie beds). I'm having to make an effort to exercise, but fortunately the rain is tapering off and we're moving toward the summer dry season, so I can usually go for an early morning bike ride if I drag myself out of bed. That and the garden has been really, really wonderful. Now if I can find an ergonomic desk chair, I'll be set . . . sciatica from an elderly desk chair makes it a little hard to move sometimes.

For my family, this whole shutdown thing has been relatively good. There is a fair amount of stress, especially with trying to work while dealing with 3 kids 10 and under, but we haven't been worrying about money and have actually been in a position to be able to help out friends and community members who need some support, which is really nice after years of living on thin margins.


Staff member it has been easier to get out in the garden and get the plants in (and to dig more vegetable beds! We have an entire 8 foot by 12 foot area devoted to corn this year! The grass in the yard is gradually disappearing under veggie beds).
Sounds like you've handled the transition as well as any of us can, I hope the gardening goes well!