Please Read An Update on the Board Game


Board Game Designer
Staff member
It's been a little while, so I wanted to post a general update about the board game!

The game is currently sold out on our website. You may still be able to find some copies in stores as some were put into distribution, but we don't have any more copies (except for a few we kept in order to help with replacement parts and whatnot).

You can still find the game by searching for it online. There are lots of small shops which have a few copies, please give them some of your business and try to avoid any scalpers selling it for ridiculous prices! I love the game (I still enjoy playing it) but I would not encourage spending a ton of money for it. We feel we priced it as reasonably as we could and anything much higher than that feels bad to us.

On that note, people have asked if it will be back in stock. I am talking with ConcernedApe about it. The biggest challenge is, a lot of costs have gone up for materials and shipping. We had manufactured these in Michigan and I planned to continue doing so, but it's tricky. We will announce another printing should that happen soon.

We also wanted to make "2nd edition" upgrades available to people. If you message me through the Shopify site, I may be able to help you with that. Right now they are not officially available because I have not figured out a way to ship the cards and tray at a reasonable price.

As far as the game being available in countries outside the US, we did our best and by working with distributors, we sent a substantial amount of games into distribution. Hopefully if you wanted a copy you were able to get one. And if not, we'll try to improve on that in the future if possible.

Translation of the game has been brought up a lot. I'd love to see it in other languages, but again we're just talking through logistics. It's tricky, but when we have news, we will be sure to share it.

And that's all for now! Thank you for all your support, comments and questions. It has been a joy to read about folks enjoying the board game.


Staff member


As a fan of the game, I'm very glad I got it while I could. It took a while being in the UK and ordered online, but have enjoyed it very much. I can confirm I've seen it in hobby/gaming shops on display/sale in the UK, sometimes multiple copies on show, and personally do think it's worth the price if you are a fan of the game. I'm a fan of a lot of video games and the board games aren't usually worth it, but this one I could not pass up on.

I understand it may be a bit of a niche within a niche so breaks in printing are somewhat expected, but I do hope everyone that wants the game gets to have it! And that continued support/print/expansion of the game will be viable and valuable to all those involved :)


Staff member
Is there any way to tell from the box cover or back if it is an original printing or 2nd edition when looking at one in a store?
If you see the game in a game store, it's the 2nd edition! The 1st edition of the game was only ever available to purchase online in the US.


Hi! I am waiting since cca 3 months and the stores here (Spain) only say "reserve". Any chances of a new reprint soon? I have played in several ocassions in TTS and I love the game!