Windows 125/130 Walnuts


Hi! The parrot keeps asking for me to check the walnuts "hidden in the pages of the journal" but I've checked them all. I've followed every yt video and guide imaginable and have not found what I'm missing. When I was playing, I thought I was missing one of the crops for the Frog guy, but he appears as completed. Could that be a bug related to him not giving me the last 5 walnuts I need? Where/what else could I check? PLEASE HELP I want to achieve perfection!
youve befriended the wizard, correct? obviously, so grab a telephone and go inside his house, then to the cubby and enter it. offer 500g to the shrine and change your name to [73], then once it reaches noon, call gus 5 times. once you're done, offer another 500g, change your name back, take your telephone, and enjoy perfection