Windows (1.6 Spoilers) Recipe not showing up


I've been playing the 1.6 update (and absolutely loving it!) and was super excited to see a recipe for a dehydrator in Pierre's while buying seeds. I immediately bought it so I could play around with it, only when I went to my crafting menu it wasn't there. I looked through the entire menu at least three times and read every item title because I thought surely I was just not seeing it, but I can confirm that it's not there. I figured maybe it would show up in the mail the next day or something so I went to sleep and next day same issue. I can't even try to buy the recipe again bc that's not how the game works. I tried it on all my save files and in every one I buy the dehydrator recipe and it doesn't show up in my crafting menu. I looked it up and found that the mushroom caves now come with one so I checked my caves too (I always go mushroom route) and nothing there either. Is this a bug or am I just clueless? How do I fix it?


I have the same problem! But, I discovered the recipe IS THERE but the image isn't showing up. This happened when I bought the Big Chest recipe. When I crafted it, there was no image, but I'm still able to use and interact with it. It's just invisible (quite concerning for a chest).


I was having the same problem! If you have any mods installed, that could be the issue! I removed both a mod I had changing NPC sprites and json assets (which isn't needed for 1.6). Not sure which one did it, but after removing those two mods, every shows up as it's supposed to! I have a lot of other mods installed but the fix happened just after removing those two! So try removing any mods that affect sprites or aren't used for 1.6. I didn't get an error for having json assests installed, so it's best to double check the list of mods installed on your own outside of smapi and make sure they're all still necessary!
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