
  1. CStanley

    Windows [Windows] Crash during Split Screen Multiplayer Mines

    [Windows] Crash during Split Screen Multiplayer Mines Version = 1.6.15 build 24365 Often when I play the dame split screen, certain levels of the Skull Cavern mines will be frozen. But the worst is when it crashes. The following is a crash from the error logs, when in Dangerous Skull Caverns...
  2. Windows Screen stutter while playing, please help! <3

    Hi everyone. Like the title says, I'm experiencing screen stuttering every like 3 seconds when playing singep-player vanilla Stardew Valley v1.6.15 build 24356. I've tried multiple possible solutions (adjusting my screen refresh rate, playing in windowed/borderless/fullscreen, turning off/on...
  3. Windows [BUG]solo wedding

    Steam、language:Japanese. The latest version is v1.6.15 build 24356. Multiplayer I was playing with three people using Co-op (invitation code system). I was a participant, and another participant married Penny, but as you can see in the picture, only he was displayed on my screen. Everyone...
  4. blepotato

    Android 1.6 Mobile Save File Transport UI Issue when Loading in-game in PC/Laptop

    2/2/2025 I finally had the idea to transport my Mobile Save File to my Laptop's Save File today because I know they're on the same version. When I transported my Mobile Save File into my Laptop's Saves in Files Explorer and booted up the mobile save file in-game on my Laptop, the first thing I...
  5. ultimo_mango

    Windows Entering Community Center Crashes

    When I enter the community center, I get stuck on the black loading screen for a few seconds before the music stops and the game shuts down. This happened on Summer 9 and Summer 10. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game to fix this. Before this started, I was having lag issues so I did...
  6. Xbox a way to transfer save from same microsoft account from xbox to pc?

    Me and one of my friends have a save on xbox, and another friend wants to join in from pc. we both downloaded the game from the same microsoft accounts (gamepass) on our pc and we cant find our save. any way to fix this?
  7. Windows My farmer looks as if she's praying when using the "uh" emote

    Basically, whenever I try to use the shy/"uh" emoji as a female farmer, my farmer behaves very strangely. It's a little eerie actually: For the male farmers, the emote works just fine. I'm playing in English with no mods installed whatsoever and using keyboard/mouse. I'm currently using the...
  8. Windows Title screen secrets offset when swapping screens

    Simple bug, sorry if I don't format this properly, but here goes When activating the "E" and jumino leaf secrets on the title screen, swapping between any of the title screen menus (new, load, co-op) and back to the title screen, the juminos and opening in the E get offset to the left slightly...
  9. Can i play stardew valley with my friend if he has it on steam and i have it on xbox windows?

    I have been playing stardew valley with my friend and i have the game on xbox pc game pass and he has it on steam. I want to cancel my pc game pass but we still want to play and i i buy it on steam our progress will be lost. If i cancel my pc game pass but buy the game on xbox windows, will i be...
  10. Glasia

    Handling of naming screenshots via /mapscreenshot as "con" or other forbidden names in Windows

    If someone on Windows tries to name a screenshot via /mapscreenshot as "con" or any other forbidden Windows name, the game should detect that and enclose the name in underscores or similar to prevent a "Failed" error. Terraria does that with their character files when someone calls their...
  11. Prrsha

    Windows Newly released patch clarification

    I just noticed the following change notes in today’s patch: -“Fixed some things being less random than intended” Does anybody know in what way it was changed? For example: Do artifact spots yield the same item when you reload the day like they did in previous patches?
  12. Chiefersoze

    Solved Special charm not appearing on wallet of my fellow co-op player I got a rabbit's foot and deposited it on the truck near joja mart. I'm the only one who got the special charm and my fellow co-op player didn't get it. Is this a bug? Or should my fellow co-op player get the Secret Note #20 before getting the charm?
  13. squashku

    Windows Journal Quest Blank (Mac and Windows)

    Hi! I opened the game tonight to play and noticed one of the quests in my journal was suddenly blank. I'm not sure which one it was, or if it was new and I had just got it that in-game day, but it's completely blank. I tested it on my Mac, and then on my PC and it still was the same. No mods or...
  14. Windows 1.6 64-Bit Stardew Stuttering

    For the past few months, whenever I try to play stardew on the 64-Bit version on steam the game runs perfectly for couple of minutes then begins to stutter to the point where the game is unplayable while windowed and full screen The 32-Bit version runs perfectly but, I’d like to mod my game...
  15. Windows Problem with the font in the slot machine

    I would like to apologize in advance for the clumsy English, all this was translated for me by Google translator, I hope it did the job =) On Windows, the Russian version of the game, Steam, in the casino, even with a five-digit number, the coin interface overlaps the first slot of the slot...
  16. Windows Estou tendo problema no coop!!!

    Comprei o jogo dia 05/09/2024, e meu amigo também, o jogo esta travando e me obriga a sair do jogo com alt+F4 e começar o "dia do jogo" Tudo de novo e torcer pra que não aconteça novamente. Não é problema com a internet. Já pesquisei sobre e não vi nada sobre isso, me obrigando avir aqui...
  17. Windows Crops vanish randomly despite scarecrow

    Hi there! I play on Windows 10, Single Player World, Meadow Map, and registered several times that crop went missing although correct scarecrow placement and no weeds around them. I'm sure I planted crops, as they had already at least halway or fully fully grown and as such were clearly visible...
  18. Windows From Mines to The Desert: A Farmer's Tale

    I don't know if it's posted about already, but I got KO'd in the Mines (on a Quarry floor), and when I woke up I was in the Desert - during the Desert Festival, if that matters.
  19. noobsqoou

    Windows Strange 1.6 bundle behavior in a farm created pre-1.6

    Last weekend, a friend and I jumped on an old farm she used to host, while waiting on another friend to host a different farm. We had both updated to 1.6.3, and I encountered a rather unusual visual bug while looking at the Animal Bundle in the pantry: In both the inventory shortcut view and...
  20. Windows machines not working

    Hi guys, I was wondering if after the 1.6 update your machines have stopped working? I've started a new farm and my mayo machine and the dehydrator just won't accept the eggs and mushrooms. Does anyone knows how to fix this bug?