
  1. PC Making a dream a reality

    When this game first released I put many many hours into it however I haven't played in years (so i haven't experienced the update either). When I was actively playing I always wished there was a multiplayer mode and now THERE IS! It's been so long I may as well be a new player and I don't take...
  2. Windows Impossible Help Wanted Quest (Catfish in Winter) v1.6.15

    In my game, the current season is Winter, and the daily quest is to catch Catfish for Willy. Catfish are not something that is possible to catch in Winter (barring using a rain totem or magic bait), so this shouldn't be available as a quest. The Catfish in Winter quest was previously removed...
  3. Mac Steam overlay not working

    I'm currently playing with v1.6.15 on Steam and macOS Sequoia 15.3.1. I ran into a bug where the game blocked the Steam overlay and achievements, so I had to switch to the compatibility version of the beta. However, the compatibility version doesn't work with SMAPI. When I connected my Xbox...
  4. aTechnicolourSoul

    My date keeps acting up

    So I just ended up playing like 2 weeks worth of Spring 18-20th and finally when I think my date issues have stopped, Abigail's 2 heart event throws me into some random date in the future.... Also, dunno if this is connected,, but sometimes Willy is behind the counter sometimes he is not. the...
  5. R Hampter

    Windows Ostridge egg bug

    I have an older Stardew save and i am working to getting 100%ing the game. I have already collected all 130 golden walnuts on ginger island i i went to go get the Ostridge egg. The issue is when i looked at journal scrap 10 and went to the spot and tilled the dirt with my hoe nothing happened...
  6. Windows Unable to launch on Windows 11

    Starting today, can no longer launch from Steam. Here's the log: Faulting application name: Stardew Valley.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x666c0000 Faulting module name: coreclr.dll, version: 6.0.3224.31407, time stamp: 0x666c84f2 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset...
  7. Solved Steam Input does not work properly.

    I am unable to remove controller inputs and replace them with keyboard inputs. If I set Gamepad Mode to Force Off, the game doesn't receive any input from controller even if I set the buttons to keyboard/mouse in Steam Input. I'd like to be able to use Steam Input to have custom controls set...
  8. Mac Unable to Sync error on Steam

    I just moved from Windows to MacOS. I downloaded SV and a few other games again and met with the error "Unable to Sync" only on SV. I already tried to find save file/error logs, however, when I enter << ~/.config/StardewValley/ErrorLogs>> no folder came up. I already tried all the recommended...
  9. Mac Crashing Constantly During Gameplay

    I've been playing on a 2020 Macbook Air M1 for years through Steam. Just picked the game up again after the latest update and it is crashing on Spring Day 1 every single time I try to play. I've tried everything I can find in the forums and tried playing on the betas, but nothing seems to work...
  10. Windows [HELP] Game not launching on steam

    Hello! After a couple of weeks of not playing the game, I decided to just randomly get back on only to find out that stardew simply wont launch. Ive tried reinstalling the game but no luck. After checking the error logs file, I found a bunch of files containing the same message, but i dont...
  11. Mac Can't take steam screenshots or access steam overlay

    Hello! I recently started playing in co-op mode, wanting to take screenshots to post through steam, but it won't work. I switched over to compatibility mode and screenshots would work, but then I couldn't connect to the co-op server. Not the end of the world, but I'd love to be able to post...
  12. Windows Multiplayer bugs

    I’ve been experiencing multiple bugs while playing on multiple friends multiplayer farms. The game constantly seems to freeze and go to a black screen when moving from one mining level to another. Time will sometime freeze randomly and I’m forced to close the game out, even though my others...
  13. Can i play stardew valley with my friend if he has it on steam and i have it on xbox windows?

    I have been playing stardew valley with my friend and i have the game on xbox pc game pass and he has it on steam. I want to cancel my pc game pass but we still want to play and i i buy it on steam our progress will be lost. If i cancel my pc game pass but buy the game on xbox windows, will i be...
  14. timdurning

    Mac Crash on Launch in 1.6.15

    Hi all- So I played the game this morning, came back the afternoon and now Stardew starts loading then abruptly crashes. Issue process in order: Open Steam Navigate to Stardew and press Play Stardew app appears in dock, bounces as if opening, then goes away This is happening repeatedly. I've...
  15. Issue Default kitty terminal doesn't work with steam.

    When i try to run the game directly by double clicking or directly from the terminal, the smapi console opens just fine in my default kitty terminal. But when i try and run it from steam, i'm greeted with some weird terminal (which i'm assuming is xterm): To add to this, i don't even have...
  16. Windows Game Opens and then Crashes Right After ConcernedApe Startup Screen - PC

    Friend is running into an issue where Stardew is opening for a brief moment and then closing during the ConcernedApe screen. It lags a little during the white transition and then abruptly closes. Originally we thought this could be an issue with the Xbox Gamepass version so he bought it through...
  17. Windows Trouble with controller support on pc since update.

    Hi their. Big fans of the game. I've been having some issues, specifically after we installed the newest update for pc. 1.6.14 I run a steam deck with windows 11. I was originally was running windows 10. Updated it specifically for this issue. Made sure all drivers are good and made sure...
  18. Beanqueen9455

    Mac Auto check/action when walking by something

    I'm finding that my check/action is happening automatically when I walk by something or my mouse hovers over it. I'm on Steam, unmodded. My check/action key is Z, and it's like my key is jammed and going off constantly but it just started doing it out of nowhere and there's nothing physically...
  19. AnriaDark

    Windows GER - Multiplayer Problem - Steam

    Mein freund hat von mir heute am 01.12.24 Stardew Valley auf Steam bekommen. Anfangs lief es gut, ich hatte mods installiert und er nicht. zur Info, auf Steam ist die Version 1.6.14 (?) oder so. Ablauf der Situation: Ich erstellte die Welt mit den Standard werten und Standard Hof. Er lädt...
  20. Steam Awards Nominee 2024!

    Stardew Valley is a nominee for the 'Labor of Love' category for the 2024 Steam Awards! :heart: Congrats on your well-deserved nomination, Concerned Ape and Team! 😄 Link to the Steam Awards page