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  1. PC [BUG] Upgrade cabin multiplayer bug

    Hi, I'm on a farm with 2 friends and one of them requested an upgrade in his cabin, but it's been over 10 days (in the game) that he requested and the upgrade didn't happen, what do I do? Pls help :c
  2. Niveka

    Please Remove the 2 Player Splitscreen limit on Nintendo Switch

    I'm the only one who owns a Nintendo Switch on our Neighborhood and my friends were thrilled to have the splitscreen update!, but sadly got disappointed since on Nintendo Switch its limited to 2 players only, it kinda seems unfair since other console versions support 4 players splitscreen...
  3. iOS [BUG] Last Bundle Reward

    When you finish the last bundle in a room, the room gets fixed and you can’t get the reward for the last bundle. I play on iOS Idk if anyone else has this
  4. RogueTomato

    Solved [HELP] Cannot do Qi Challenges

    A bug (I think) allowed me to do the "Extended Family" twice in a row, and after completing 1 (the second one, I ran out of time on the first) the 2 quest selection buttons cannot be tapped on, this has been going on for more than 5 in-game days (no other quests or challenges are currently in...