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  1. Xbox If I have bought Stardew Valley on Steam, is there a way to play on Xbox with the same world/account?

    That, or is there a way to stream Stardew Valley onto the TV and play using an Xbox controller?
  2. BirdsToeEight

    [SPOILER] Need help getting 1 million coins!

    So, I'm trying to get the Golden Clock because I have had enough of debris appearing on my farm. Most of you may say: "Make Iridium quality wine!" No, no, no. Aging wine to Iridium takes WAYY too long, and even with fairy dust, is it really worth buying ALL those fairy seeds only to wait days...
  3. Stuck at the Flower Dance :(

    Hello! I am playing the latest version of Stardew and stuck at the Flower Dance! Once I interact with Lewis, he keeps asking if I want to start the dance but no matter what I press the text box keeps popping up again and again. I have linked my SMAPI Error logs. Please help me figure out my...
  4. Android Help

    I installed it opened it crashed unistalled it and reinstalled crashed restarted my device crashed tried closing it crashed what am i supposed to do?

    i have spent 60+ hours on a game on my account: mikayuu_1 my save file finally has disappeared though and i desperately want it back please help i spent over 60 hours on my computer restarted when i dropped it by accident and its gone im begging you please restore the game file
  6. Android UI bug

    I already posted but I got no replies so here we go again i guess.. I already deleted and reinstalled but this is what happened. I don't know as to why it bugged out really. I suspect it's my own phone but I really don't know. The only thing that would somewhat help is if I use full screen...
  7. Windows Help me plz. I don't know what else to do :(

    So, a couple years ago I purchased Stardew Valley on my android device. Now I recently received an Iphone and have no idea how to transfer my purchase from one device to the other. I've tried everything but It doesn't work. I would purchase it again but I don't have a credit card, I bought it...
  8. Issue need help! SVE error in base log [WINDOWS]

    Hello, very new to stardew valley expanded mod. but as of recently been having issues, have updated all my mods recently and i am still getting an error base update loop. i dont know what to do, it freezes my game up with certain cutscenes and due to that i cannot progress with the game :( here...
  9. Windows [HELP] Stardew Valley dont lunch normally

    why stardew valley does not start with the normal version and with the 32 bit beta yes?
  10. licherlay

    Windows [BUG] Vincent Glitching

    Vincent was walking through a hill and running to the playground. It was weird. I think it was somewhere at the start of spring... He was saying how he can not have anymore gummies.
  11. licherlay

    Jojamart Phone

    When I use my telephone I look at peoples stock a bunch and I like to purchase new wallpaper as I am still building my farm and decorating my house. The Jojamart does not have a phone number at that is a real shame because I have to walk all the way over there just to see the flooring and...
  12. licherlay

    Gifting Clothes to your husband/wife

    i wish i could gift clothes to my wife/husband and they could wear it that would be so cool idk just a thought but like if you agree
  13. licherlay

    Bug nets

    I wish i could catch butterflies that would be awesome
  14. Switch [HELP] Online multiplayer player disconnecting

    My friend and I have been playing Co op online for about a week now. For the past two days we haven't been able to play because we would get a connection error. We both play on Nintendo Switches. We have already tried using different wifi networks and resetting our switches but the game still...
  15. PC PLZ HELP!! my save file is corrupted or something. PC

    The game keeps crashing when I load it
  16. PC [HELP] My character files were deleted

    my characters save files were deleted and there not in their files anymore.
  17. Hayey

    PC [HELP] Horse Name Issue

    I am going to tell you my circumstances and then what I think the problem is. I don't like having things be permanent, It scares me, So what I did is I made a horse stable and named the horse a blank space and then I demolished the horse stable to test if i could rename the horse if I wanted to...
  18. Switch [BUG] Softlock while fishing at 2:00 am

    In Co-op mulitplayer splitscreen, my partner was fishing when the 2:00 am cap hit, they caught a fish and then they were unable to move. They could still move the cursor, but moving or using items was locked.
  19. Switch Horse through fence bug

    So uh it’s exactly what it says in the title. A horse can go right through a fence. If needed I can provide picture, but know that stardew is on the switch and it will be a horrible photo with my iPhone cam.
  20. PlayStation [BUG]When I open my mailbox it crashes

    Yeah so in my ps4 co-op world It was running fine until around day 14 of spring first year after that it just showed the first words of the letter in the mailbox but would not crash the game after a while of this happening. I opened it and it froze then the game crashed giving me the error...