out of bounds

  1. Glitch in Volcano Dungeon

    So, I woke up randomly and when i go to the volcano dungeon, im like, stuck in an out of bounds area. I think it might be because of one of my mods but im not sure myself. i tried exiting the game and loading back into my save file, but im still stuck at the same place.
  2. Windows Can't Go Into Town Via Bus Stop Route

    I'm not sure if this is from 1.6 or something else but when exiting the farm toward the bus stop, the bus stop loads but I am out of bounds and can't be seen or move. I can hear the swinging of tools if I try to use them, but I do not seem to move and the audio is much softer. It appears I am in...
  3. Switch Resources Out Of Bounds

    I'm running Stardew Valley version 1.5.4 on the Switch. The details of my issue are below. Issue Part 1: I found that when I chopped down a tree to the left of the greenhouse on my farm, then the wood made its way under the greenhouse. Issue Part 2: I also noticed that when I chopped a tree...
  4. Sawen

    Windows [BUG] Out of bounds after cutscene in Mines in Multiplayer

    My friend and I were starting a new multiplayer game (he was the one hosting), and I was entering the mines for the first time, and got the cutscene where you get a sword. But as soon as the cutscene ended, I saw the community center cutscene from my friend's point of view, and when that...
  5. Solved [BUG] Multiplayer crash upon entering cellar

    After plenty of trouble and no luck resolving the issue on my end, I'm hoping someone out there can help me out with this issue. I have been playing SDV with a group of 3 other people, and recently encountered 2 separate bugs. One much more game-breaking than the other. The lesser of two bugs...
  6. iOS [BUG] Jumped to blocked area

    Leaving farm by north path on my horse - the other page loaded with my character on the northern ledge. Reloading the game doesn’t fix. Assuming I’m going to need to wait it out until 2am.
  7. ZeFat

    Switch [BUG] Out of bounds glitch Movie Theatre

    If you try to leave as soon as you enter the movie theater and keep moving towards the exit just say no and you get out of bounds. Tried multiple times and it works every time xD Tried accessing the crane doesn't work, tried walking behind the counter and it doesn't work the wood frame around...
  8. PC [BUG] One of the player gets thrown out of bounds when trying to get on horse at the same time as another player

    We were two players in local co-op mode and we tried getting on one horse at the same time. This got my character thrown out of the map. We were on the docks at the beach and my character got stuck on the sea. I couldn't find any places with no collision to get back on the map. We waited 2 a.m...
  9. PC [BUG] Multiplayer Bug - Clipping out of map from a cut-scene

    On a new multiplayer farm, I was walking out of the mine area (just finished the cut-scene where you get the rusty sword) when my friend who was the host triggered the "unlocking the community center" cut-scene. When that cut-scene had ended, I saw I was standing in a black void. By walking...
  10. Rock-Bomber

    PC [BUG] Got off Willy's boat in the wrong location of the Island

    I don't think this is a super serious bug (and if it's an already known one I'm sorry!), but I wanted to put it out there just in case! I went to Willy's shop to get a ticket for Ginger Island and I *think* I skipped the cutscene almost at the end of it. But instead of appearing on the docks...