
  1. DeadSmil3

    iOS Flooring and walls, Dialogue

    I play On mobile and there’s a glitch..when I talk to my wife Abigail she will say “Hey going to the mines? I got you something…” and then she never gives me the item and when I try to talk to her again it just won’t let me. Also when decorating my house when try to put wallpaper in a certain...
  2. aconfusedplayed

    Issue Need Help With "Parsing Its Manifest Failed"

    https://smapi.io/log/7961b8783d874ea285d4dfa7e31358a8 Here's my log for it! I'm an Android player, and this issue has been appearing many times. I always check for the compatibility of the mods that I'm trying to use. I also try to check the posts of the mods, reading any answered or...
  3. Android 모바일 폰트 오류

    The font is big, so you can't put a phone on Robin. Please tell me how to solve it
  4. Please help me to open some files

    Hello, I want to make a Stardew valley mod, but I can't open the XNB files. If anyone can, please send me the open files of all the files involving Elliot. If possible, files involving Penny, Jas, Vincent and Lewis. All in Portuguese. I would be very grateful I want to make a mod that adds...
  5. Android Slingshot isn't working

    I'm on the mobile phone version. I can't get the slingshot to work. I tried googling it and they said that you can't use a slingshot on a mobile game. But the golden walnut is in the tree on the volcano mines. How am I supposed to get perfection then?
  6. Igorferreira72

    Standard Farm I made a Castle in my Farm.

    Hi Guys Today I realize another one of my crazy ideas on Mobile, I created a Castle Farm, or a Witch's Palace, either way it's done and fully functional, Because I don't create solely visual constructions, It gave me a certain amount of work and apparently it generates a "Drop FPS" due to the...
  7. Igorferreira72

    Standard Farm Decorations for you to be inspired

    Sometimes we run out of ideas for a place on the Farm that has space left, so I created a kind of leisure area that you can enhance in many ways. Here's a photo and a video. You can be even more creative, placing for example a Mushroom Tree and a Bench. And the video:
  8. Android Bug in the new 1.5 mobile update

    Fui até a casa de Robin para melhorar minha casa e...
  9. iOS Zoomed in game

    When i open my saved game, i’m only able to see one part of my farm thats zoomed in on and I can’t see my character, the inventory bar, or the menu button. I‘m only able to zoom in and out and move the screen but when i do that, it just takes me back to that part of my farm. I’ve tried by...
  10. Arshi®

    Potrait Mode (Mobile)

    Please add a Potrait mode settings feature for mobile version for 1 handed play bcz mobile have full touch screen so it would be more friendly for many PPL to play with one handed in Potrait mode. I'm lefty so i rotate inventory in left side to choose any object with my thumb and down bottom...
  11. Arshi®

    Feature to sit on chair, sofa, bench (Mobile)

    Please Developers Request add feature to sit on chairs, sofa, or bench like PC version in Mobile. It make user relex and make game environment more friendly Thanks 🙏
  12. Arshi®

    Things fall outside from map (Mobile)

    Sometimes things fall outside from map I'm in Mobile version and we can't pick them this happened with me manytimes i hardly found a ghost and kill him but he drop outside map i tried and force to drag but nothing working please fix it, we can say it suggestion or bug. Thanks Developers
  13. Arshi®

    Please Update Mobile Version.!!

    Please Developers update mobile version and adding sitting animation for mobile like pc we can sit in our house Chair, sofa, or bench but in mobile ver Sitting Animation i really feel missing it's not too hard to add for mobile l, i purchased though like pc but many things missing also longtime...
  14. Android Save backups glitch

    Saving a backup with any food buff and reloading it will remove the buff
  15. Igorferreira72

    Android [BUG] New Teleport Glitch funny.

    Hi everyone, I'm sharing with you a little Stardew glitch that I found, It's nothing extraordinary, just curious, but I should warn you that it's possible that this only works on Mobile. Video:
  16. Android [HELP] Incorrect season and extra mail

    I'm on the mobile version for Android, and when I opened my saved game, the season had changed. I was in winter, but this looked like spring. The calendar in my house also says winter. Also, the mailbox is completely full of mail. It's like all the letters I would have gotten throughout the year...
  17. ggaggaZe

    Question Is there a controller remapping mode?

    I checked that my small controller (zero 2) works well with Bluetooth in Mobile Stardew Valley, but I felt that remapping was necessary because the controller itself was a model that missed a few buttons. So I spent a lot of time googling and searching for GitHub, but I couldn't find that...
  18. Android Fishing Bug

    i turned off my phone while i was fishing and later i turned on it i still was fishing but this weird bug was happened
  19. Android [BUG] Mobile Version no music after update?

    Hi there! I recently (last week) started to play the game again mobile on android after resetting my phone so i had to start right at the beginning again and i noticed theres no music, rain, birds and all other effects work fine, i just dont have any music playing no matter if i save, try out...
  20. Android [Bug] Completing CC Bundles without losing the necessary items

    I was playing SV and when I went to complete the Community Center bundles I managed to mark the slots and not lose the items. I just dragged the items to the sprites that are on top of the slots, then the items returned to my inventory and when I empty-handed the slots they were marked and I...