missing feature

  1. Windows Xbox Game Bar does not work with Stardey Vallew

    Xbox Game Bar does not work with Stardew Vallew in fullscreen mode, only in windowed mode. It would be nice if it worked in both modes. :smile:
  2. Linux can not access shop (clint/tool upgrade)

    I don't know if this is a bug or a feature but i cant access clints shop to process geodes or buy ore after giving him a tool to upgrade. Clint tells me the tool is not ready yet and to come back in a few days. i think he should still say that but ask "what else can i do for you?" and then open...
  3. Issue Constant errors loading mods

    I am having an issue that I have no idea how to fix. I have been playing modded Stardew for years and usually the issues are fairly straight forward but no matter how I try to navigate this one, I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Essentially, quite a number of mods arent loading and it...
  4. (Xbox) Feature on split-screen that allows players to sign in with their Xbox/Microsoft Accounts

    On Xbox when playing split-screen add a feature that allows each Player to sign in with their Xbox/Microsoft Accounts so that each player can earn Achievements in the same game with the Host.
  5. Ally Fenz

    Windows [BUG] My UI Button has disappeared.

    The UI (Menu) button that allows me to craft, check friendships, take screenshots, check achievements, etc., has disappeared. I checked it on all save files. Some of them had the button for quests, but none of them had the menu button. Has it been moved in an update? I haven't played on PC in...
  6. Niveka

    Please Remove the 2 Player Splitscreen limit on Nintendo Switch

    I'm the only one who owns a Nintendo Switch on our Neighborhood and my friends were thrilled to have the splitscreen update!, but sadly got disappointed since on Nintendo Switch its limited to 2 players only, it kinda seems unfair since other console versions support 4 players splitscreen...
  7. Switch [BUG] Missing textures v 1.5.4

    It's only in this area of Ginger Island that the texture don't load properly. Everywhere else is fine!
  8. Oldbrass

    PC [HELP] Mulitplayer options missing in menu

    First: I read the FAQ and did the things suggested. No luck. Thus, I'm creating this thread. Thanks! So after the 1.5.1 update, I can't seem to make mullti work. I'm actually missing the Invite Code option in the menu. Turned off any firewall stuff and logged out of Steam and back in. Made sure...
  9. PC [BUG] No Borderless Window option

    While launching up the game, I noticed that I no longer have an option for "Borderless Windowed." The other people I am playing with have the option, but for some reason I don't. I have had absolutely no luck finding any solution online