

    I’m not sure exactly when but in the last couple of days (I’ve played through almost a seasons worth in that time) I noticed all my pets were gone and removed from my list! I’m pretty sure it was some point after the most recent patch. I had 3 including my starter pet and I’m towards the end of...
  2. Android Wallpaper #13 is not available in catalogue

    On Android, Wallpaper #13, the one with the grey stone bricks that can sometime spawn as a default for cabins https://stardewvalleywiki.com/File:Wallpaper_013.png is not available in the catalogue sold by Pierre.
  3. Switch Statue of Blessings went missing.

    My statue went missing overnight. It was on the porch.
  4. Xbox Dog Disappeared from Co-op Game

    Me and my boyfriend didn’t see our dog for a day, checked the pet list and it was gone. We water the bowl everyday, pet it everyday, and it even wore a hat. We have no idea what could’ve caused this bug, except that it had been raining every other day for a couple weeks, might be bugged? We’re...
  5. Xbox Pig disappeared

    I'm playing on xbox and my pig simply disappeared. One evening I found him sleeping outside although I closed the barn door after 6pm and there was nothing blocking his path, next day he was gone. There was no messages, about wolves or otherwise and the other animals were happy on the next day...
  6. Xbox Xbox bugs after 1.6.9 update

    Playing split screen on an Xbox series X and have run into several glitches. spouse missing - My second player is married to Sam and sam just goes missing. Like for days he will be invisible to the second player. But when I went into the house, same would be there. Only missing to the second...
  7. Switch Cat missing Switch

    I am played on switch and my cat completely disappeared from the pet menu and all. I cannot say exactly when it happened but I have played split screen co-op. Is there a way to get another pet?
  8. Switch Missing ostrich incubator recipe

    I completed all fossils and field surveys for Professor Snail and received a dialogue from him that he gave me a recipe for an ostrich incubator (but finding an ostrich egg...). It's been several days in-game and I closed the app and restarted, but the recipe won't appear for me to make. I'm...
  9. Solved Incubator missing from big coop [Windows]

    I upgraded my coop to a big coop and I didn't get the incubator. I think it was because I had a chicken statue on the spot. Is there a way to fix it without upgrading or destroying the big coop?
  10. Windows Missing dog

    In the summer, while my friends and I were playing the Stardew update in coop mode, our dog just vanished from the farm. When we checked the animals menu, he had also vanished, seemingly out of existence. Although we were thrilled to see the changes, we are unable to add new animals to the farm...
  11. Milena Childgarden

    Android At 10❤️ with Leo & George but their recipes still showing greyed out

    Am playing mobile version on iPad. I can’t make poi, mango rice or spicy eel to complete this part of the game, despite being at 100% friendship with all villagers. I’d like to finish all the collections if possible. Last time I got within 5 walnuts of perfection and my game crashed and...
  12. Android Missing Items

    I had not died in the mine or fallen asleep outside. I had just completed reaching all the mine levels and received the rusty key. However, when I woke up the next morning to smelt my ores, my two charcoal incinerators, my workbench, a flamingo garden ornament, my three furnaces AND my...
  13. Xbox Pam goes missing

    Which language are you playing the game in: English How often does the bug occur: Every time Steps: How can you find the bug: Unlock Ginger Island. 1. Go to Ginger Island and spend a few days there 2. Return to Valley on the day of holiday. 3. Attend the holiday celebration as normal. 4. Go to...
  14. Switch Items going missing

    Noticed on reddit that two people on different platforms (Switch and Xbox) are finding items going missing, including the Crystalarium. https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/10hmp7m/stuff_disappearing_from_my_house_wth/...
  15. Windows [BUG] Furniture catalogue disappeared

    Hi, Long Post so Summary: Problem: Furniture catalogue disappeared out of house/inventory Mode: Co-Op hosted by me Platform: Windows 10 Mods: None Location: Second Players house I'm playing Co-Op with my SO and while we're having tons of fun, today we encountered a problem: I bought the...
  16. Xbox [HELP] I bought the furniture catalogue and now it's gone!

    I've searched up if I couldve accidentally put it in the bin while binning some other furniture but all it said was that it is not able to be sold. I'm not sure what's happened and I've looked everywhere it's just not there.. I don't want to waste 200000 if I can just get it back because its a bug.
  17. Android [BUG] Missing Kegs?

    Hello! After upgrading my house to include the nursery, for some reason, 6 kegs and 1 oil maker was gone from outside. They weren't right beside the house so I'm not even sure it's related. Any insight? Thank you so much :)
  18. Solved [SOLVED] Chest missing ginger island

    Hi everyone, So i placed a chest on ginger island so i didnt have to carry everything around all the time. I did place it next to a parrot tho.. Since today my chest is gone. So the stuff in it is also gone.. Is it a bug? I play on ps5.
  19. PC [HELP] No recipe rewards after completing special orders

    I have completed several special orders and have received the recipe the next day in the mail without any problems. However, the last two I completed (Gunther's bone fragments and Wizard's ectoplasm orders) I got the letter the next day saying the recipes for the bone mill and the mini-obelisk...
  20. Gamarleton

    Pierre Missing First Day of Spring

    Maybe Pierre shouldn't "take the day off" on the first day of a season... when you need to buy seeds and all of that. Wouldn't that make more sense considering his shop since we came there has started to rely more on our farms crops?