local co-op

  1. PlayStation Local-Co-op - NPC skits canceling out when both players either are taking mail quest or exiting house and skit cancels at same time

    PS4 Local Co-op - Software Version 1.5 PS4 Bug on Local Co-op 2 player, NPC skits and request via mail are canceling out for 1 player when both 2nd player exits house in middle of 1st players skit/mail request. If a player is trying to take accept a quest from mailbox request and the other...
  2. PlayStation [Local Co-op] Placement Tool Tile is in wrong spot or missing

    PS4 Local Co-op Bug - Software Version 1.5 On 2 player PS4 Local Co-op Multiplayer, the Placement Tool Tile is highlighting wrong spot on ground either behind or below character from where they are facing. Also issues with tool tile intermittently disappearing on all characters.
  3. PlayStation [BUG] [PS4 Local Co-op Multiplayer] - When one player buys animal and names it other player loses function

    PS4 Local Co-op Multiplayer - Software Version 1.5 When playing 2 player local multiplayer co-op and a player buys an animal, when the name entry window pops up to name animal the other player will lose control of their character as it does not pause their screen. Time will continue and the...
  4. Switch [HELP] Can't Join Local Co-op

    Yesterday my wife and I were playing local co-op with no issues. Later that night we went upstairs and started to have disconnect issues, so we switched to online co-op. Unfortunately, we encountered a lag buffer every 10 minutes or so. After that, we called it a night. Today, we tried to play...
  5. Xbox BUG- co-op crash host

    I have a save file with my girlfriend that has 25 hours on it, as of tonight when she joins the game (split screen) my screen shows (press *start* to join game) and a second message with the text outside the box (Please reconnect your controller to continue the game) I can press *start* to join...
  6. Xbox [HELP] Local co-op disappearing (and reappearing) save

    Started new local co-op game, played 4 hours and saved. Next day, the save was completely gone. Started another new local co-op game, played 2 hours and saved. Now when going to the co-op saves screen sometimes the 4 hour game appears, other times the 2 hour game appears, but never both. No...