load files

  1. iOS saved files disappeared

    hi! so i've been playing stardew on my ipad for almost a year now. i haven't opened the game in a while but i did today because i was excited about the update. however, when i clicked on load there was nothing saved. so i checked website and tried to find it in my files, there was indeed a...
  2. iOS Backup save bug

    So if i load the game from previously saved file,(manual save,not when sleeping at the end of the day) it always stuck and i cant do anything beside zoom in or zoomout , so i had to restart the day and cant use the manual save in the middle of the day, does anyone have the same problem or know...
  3. save file not loading but is shown in load save screen?

    everytime i try opening the save file it sends me straight back to the loading screen. i tried rolling back a day but since ive done it before i dont have an _old file and i don't have any backups. let me know if i should just let go of this save file. heres my log
  4. Mac IOS save file crashing on MAC (steam)

    Hello, I recently bought a macbook and I am trying to transfer my iPad save file to the game on my computer. I followed instructions on how to transfer the save file from my iPad to my Mac, using the save folder in the ~/.config/StardewValley/Saves location. When I load the game up through...
  5. iOS Game not saving/loading

    My game is not saved correctly. Even if I play several game days, is starts after loading again on 9 day summer, year 4. There is only my cloud version available, no local file to load.
  6. Solved Game crashing on Mac while loading a save file transferred from iOS [Mac]

    Hello! I decided today that I'd like to try playing Stardew on my Mac, since I've been playing on my iPad for a few years now. I followed instructions on how to transfer the save file from the Files app to my Mac, and placed it in the ~/.config/StardewValley/Saves location. When I load the game...
  7. Solved Help please! Can’t get iCloud to save my game!

    Help!! I play Stardew Valley on my IPad Pro and the entire game crashed after my second Fall Festival. The game never let me in and I tried everything. Online it said to save the backups to your files and reinstall the game. The only problem is that it’s not showing me an option to load a...
  8. PC I need help!

    My game isnt working :( every time I load the game it just says there are no saved files ( which I know there are bc I’ve played for like 80 hours now) I really want my farm back :(